Food intolerance is pretty easy to identify. Sometimes it helps to use the analogy of people. Some people you really like, some people you like a little bit, and some people you don’t like at all.
Any close relationships with food or people can cause friction and problems at different times in our life. People challenge us emotionally, but foods challenge us on an immune level.
There may be people that you need to stay away from because they create problems in your life. There will be foods like that too. These are the foods that cause inappropriate reactions.
If you can tolerate a particular food, it means you can handle it physically and emotionally.
Further readings:
- How To Treat Jock Itch Forever!
- Candida Case Studies: Meet Kevin
- Can Pineapple Help Against Yeast Infection?
- Do I Have A Vaginal Yeast Infection Or Is It Something Else?
- Have You Ever Considered Colonic Irrigation?
When it comes to food intolerances, look for symptoms like fatigue, bloating, gas, and headaches. Sometimes if you eat that food regularly, you may not even realize that it’s what’s causing your symptoms. Once you stop eating the food for a while, it will become clear.
Here’s a suggestion. Stop all dairy products for four weeks. Butter, cheese, cream, milk, everything made from cow’s milk, just stop it completely. Once a month has gone by, incorporate those foods back into your diet one by one.
You’ll soon know if there is a tolerability issue or not. If you start noticing bowel changes, bloating, gas, a running nose, and excess mucus, that’s a good indication that cow’s milk doesn’t agree with your system.
If you have a food intolerance, the proof is that the food triggers symptoms. The symptoms can range from mild to severe. The best way to work it out is to do the elimination and reintroduction plan I recommended for milk products above. I mention this method in my Candida Crusher book as well.