What’s The Impact Of A Candida Cleanse On Food Sensitivities?

By doing a proper Candida cleanse and following the Candida crusher principles, your food intolerances should very well disappear. I’m telling you something I’ve experienced with thousands of people. Your digestive health will improve with a good cleanse. When you get the bacterial balance correct, when the microbiome pans out, when the good bacteria come up, when the candida levels go down, when the intestinal brush border improves, you’ll find that you can eat the foods you previously couldn’t tolerate.

Now, the crazy thing is, this can happen in 14 days with some people, especially if they’ve got very poor upper digestive health. The people that I find can reverse food intolerances the fastest are the people that had long term stomach and pancreatic dysfunction driving their food intolerances.

Problems with the upper GI tract may have occurred due to stress, antibiotics, unhealthy diets, or rapidly switching diets. I’ve seen so many people now who swap from meat-eater to vegan, from vegan to meat-eater, you know, from this eater to that eater to all these different types of eaters. Don’t do things very quickly. It takes time for the bacteria in your gut to change according to what you’re eating. It takes time for your digestive organs to develop an ability to break down foods that they previously were avoiding.

When I see clients with food intolerances, my first question is about antibiotics. I want to know if they took antibiotics before developing food intolerance. If a client says yes, it doesn’t surprise me because I’ve heard that story thousands of times.

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Stool testing is a great way to assess the gut to determine what your load is and where the attention needs to go to. This is an excellent step in the right direction for solving food intolerances because it identifies which gut problems are present. By correcting the issues, you’ll generally find that food intolerance will go away.

I don’t believe in taking an extreme approach to the diet. I don’t for a minute believe that gluten is bad for everyone. It’s not suitable if you have celiac disease and maybe other autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, but it can be fine for a lot of people out there.

I don’t take extreme positions like, “You must avoid this food!” I don’t work like that with people. I prefer to sit back, correct their gut function, and then monitor how their gut manages the foods they previously couldn’t tolerate. And you know what? In many cases, they can go back to those foods, and possibly you can too. So, to summarize, will a Candida cleanse help with food intolerances? Absolutely. And it can help you too.
