Slow And Steady Wins The Race: Moving To A Candida Diet

At the beginning of a Candida cleanse, I recommend that you don’t make massive diet changes upfront. Slowly change your diet as you embark upon the Candida diet.

What you should eat during the first weeks of a Candida cleanse, depends on quite a lot on what you were eating before heading into the cleanse. If your diet was very healthy, to begin with, you might only need to make very minor changes. Take out the couple of pieces of fruit that you’re eating, for example. Take out one snack food. You will mostly be staying on many of the foods that you’ve already been eating.

If you’ve been eating a lot of junk food before starting the Candida diet, I suggest taking a “warm turkey” approach. I did this with a client who was drinking half a gallon of Coke and eating several pizzas a day prior to undertaking a Candida cleanse. In this case, we swapped the Coca-Cola for fruit juice. Both aren’t great beverages, but juice is better than pop. This change was a stepping-stone. This gentleman moved from an extremely poor diet into a very healthy diet over three months.

You may have already made some healthy changes. Still, have a good look at my videos on healthy eating. You’ll need to take out the sugary foods, the convenience foods, and the take-out foods. Most people eat somewhere around 80-90% healthy and 5 to 10% not so healthy. That 5 to 10% needs taking out. Those are the foods that need to go. It’s not so much about what you “can” eat as it is about what you shouldn’t be eating.

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Vegetables and certain fruits are quite permissible at the beginning of a Candida cleanse. You can get more details by looking at my fruit video. I recommend lean meats or tempeh and tofu for vegetarians. Legumes, nuts, and seeds are other protein options.

In my opinion, most people overeat. Starting a cleanse allows you to cut down portion sizes a little bit. Also, try and avoid fast-food restaurants or people who might encourage you to eat unhealthy foods

But remember, the golden rule is this: what you should eat when starting a Candida cleanse depends on what you were eating up until that point.
