When my clients report that, despite their best efforts, their Candida isn’t getting any better, the first thing I do is confirm the diagnosis. Never make assumptions. I’ve said this multiple times, don’t assume that you have Candida. You could have a different gut problem, such as Citrobacter or Pseudomonas. Maybe you are suffering from a parasitic infection.
Please, please get checked out before you start a treatment plan. Match up the bullet with the right target. When you’re not recovering, you have to be sure your diagnosis is a confirmed diagnosis, not an assumed one. When you know what you’re dealing with in your gut, you can work out a plan that will start solving your problem. In some cases, you may need to eradicate bugs to encourage your beneficial bacteria to come back. You may need to improve your digestive function before you can deal with the pathogens in your gut.
Further readings:
- Ringworm
- Why Some People Are More Prone Autoimmune Disease?
- Can Anyone Get Autoimmune Diseases?
- Frequently Asked Questions #22
- Identifying the True Cause of any Medical Condition – Part 2
Often people will include exercise in their treatment protocol. But be careful. Exercise might be contraindicated if you have adrenal problems. If you have an overactive stress axis, physical activity can hamper your recovery from Candida. You could be pushing your body too hard when it needs more time to recover.
Maybe, what you need to work on is improving and deepening your sleep.
Strictly avoiding sugar doesn’t guarantee that the Candida will be eradicated. You may need to tweak your diet.
Have a look at my book, Candida Crusher. The book contains tips on what to do when your Candida recovery stalls. Everybody talks about recovery, but people never talk about to do if recovery isn’t happening.
Don’t make things worse by spending hours consulting with “Dr. Google” as it can leave you feeling worse. Anxiety and depression can develop, which will weaken your immune system even more. That’s why working with a practitioner who understands these processes is paramount for your recovery.