Why You May Want To Trust Me to Help You with Your Yeast Infection

Today I thought I’d share a little bit more about myself and my experience researching Candida. I’ve spent the past 25 years of my career dedicated to the topic, and I am going to start by telling you what most books on this topic won’t – that it is not easy to get really well and to remain really well. It will require plenty of commitment and will power to stay on track the first month or two, especially if you have been suffering with a chronic yeast infection several years duration. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that there are no quick solutions to a true Candida yeast problem.

Have you been lured into believing the sales pitch, “Yeast Infection Cured In Two Weeks,” for example? What about, “The 12 hour treatment clame” and other same titles. What a bunch of baloney! You simply cannot “cure candida in 12 hours.” Your cure needs a clear plan of action, consistent effort, application, and plenty of self-discipline and perseverance. I have tried to write my Candida Crusher guide in a way that is as informative and “baloney-free” as possible while maintaining a degree of simplicity and a minimum of technical jargon. Trust me when I say that it is light, easy to read, and humorous in parts while remaining informative and comprehensive enough to use as a self-help guide for those who present with the many and varied manifestations of a yeast infection.

When I first started treating yeast infections in the late 80’s, my knowledge and treatment protocols were largely based on the work of American pioneers in this field such as Doctors William Crook, Orian Truss, Sidney Baker, and John Trowbridge, but in addition, my treatments were also based on lesser-known naturopathic pioneers from Australia from the 1970’s and 1980’s such as William Vayda, Denis Stewart, Walter Last and Dorothy Hall. These early candida pioneers employed techniques that have served me well initially, and some of them I still use today because they have proven to work so consistently and reliably. Why make changes when you get results? “If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it,” a mechanic friend told me once.

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My teachers and mentors used their collective experiences and empirical observations along with a good deal of common sense yet employed no fancy technology or the internet to work out the best treatment outcomes for their patients. My belief is that some of the best health practitioners lived many years ago when limitations were at there greatest, and a sharp and observant mind, minimal tools and a keen sense of learning were some of the best tools they had. Their very reputations were based on gaining the best outcomes for their patients.

In the early 90’s I completed post graduate education with Dr. Subrata Banerjea, who taught me the finer art of classical homeopathy. I practiced as a homeopath for the first several years in my natural medicine career, and then went on to study nutrition, naturopathic medicine and herbal medicine that culminated in my Bachelor Degree of Science majoring in Complementary Medicine. In my later years of practice, Dr. Alan Gaby from America inspired me to take up nutritional medicine to a greater degree and I completed his Nutritional Therapy in Medical Practice training in Seattle.

Dr. Gaby made me aware of the critical role of nutritional medicine in clinical practice, and you will find a strong emphasis on many aspects of diet and nutrition in the Candida Crusher. Other diet and nutrition authors who have influenced my work over the years include authors such as Sally Fallon, David Wolfe, Pierre Dukan, Michael Barbee, Michael Pollan, Donna Gates and many others.

More recently, my current mentor and good friend is Dr. James Wilson from Arizona, USA. Dr. Wilson is the world’s authority in adrenal fatigue. After having studied adrenal fatigue since 2007 and having treated several thousand patients using Dr. Wilson’s unique protocols, I have come to see adrenal fatigue as one of the missing links in chronic yeast infection treatment, particularly in the deep recovery phase of those with severe yeast infections of long duration. There is a considerable emphasis on stress and adrenal fatigue in the Candida Crusher, and it is one of the main reasons my chronic cases have responded so well and have had the ability to recover deeper and faster than by any other methods I have tried.

Patients however have always been my best teachers, and no matter how many years I have been in clinical practice, there will always be something more to learn and for that reason I am always on the lookout for better tools and clinical protocols that will enable my patients to improve and recover more rapidly with the least amount of aggravation.

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Everything I’m sharing with you, in these blog posts and within the pages of my book, is the culmination of my knowledge based on my training, education, and my years of study and association with my trusted and experienced mentors. Now, I’d like to help you.

3 thoughts on “Why You May Want To Trust Me to Help You with Your Yeast Infection”

  1. Hi, where do I find the step-by-step solution? There are lots of articles, but I can’t put them all together. Where is the correct order of the following things? Thanks so much,cheers Cristina

    1. You will have to invest some time on our youtube channel and search for topics to learn everything and get started. There are 900+ videos from step one on getting started with diet, to cleanse, foods to eat, avoid and treatment.

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