To make sure you get the most out of a Candida cleanse, keep the following seven points in mind:
1. Realistic expectations: If you’re feeling unwell, don’t expect a quick recovery. Healing your digestive tract doesn’t occur overnight. It will take time. Be patient. Eventually, you will see improvement in your most severe symptoms and improve the quality of your entire life.
2. Test before you treat: Do a comprehensive stool test before you start on a Candida cleanse or add supplements to your daily routine. Many people think they have a Candida problem, but their stool test comes back negative for yeast. It turns out that instead of Candida, the problem is really a lack of beneficial bacteria, a parasite, or pancreatic dysfunction.
Do your homework before you start a cleanse. You want to make sure you’re treating the right problem.
3. Diet and supplements aren’t enough: Many people think they can get rid of their gut problems by taking a few pills or changing their diet. It’s doesn’t work that way. You need to address not only food and supplements but also lifestyle. You need to look at the whole picture including your stress levels, your sleep, and your relationships.
4. Everyone’s Candida cleanse is different: Your recovery experience will be unique to you. That’s one of the reasons comprehensive stool testing is so important. It allows you to customize your diet, your supplements, and your lifestyle to your specific GI problems.
Related articles:
- All You Need To Know About Rhodotorula
- How Many Stool Samples Do I Need for the CDSA Test?
- Functional vs Conventional Laboratory Testing for Candida
- Metabolites, Mycotoxins, and Acetaldehyde – What Are They?
- Fatty Liver And Candida Infection: Is it Connected?
5. Timing is everything: It is not a good idea to do a Candida cleanse two weeks before Christmas. Choose a time of year that works best for you. Find a time that isn’t super busy. You need to have ample energy and resources to commit to a Candida cleanse in order to get the best results.
6. Don’t give up: You’re going to have good days on a Candida cleanse, and you’re going to have bad days. Just remember that quitters never win. You need to keep going, even if it means taking treatment slower. Persistence breaks resistance. Keep onboard and eventually you’ll win.
7. Keep the future in mind: Think about what the future has to offer you. The brain doesn’t know the difference between events that are imaginary or real. If you think about having an incredible future, that can happen. Don’t forget, the mind is the most powerful part of the body.