If you suddenly develop a lot of very malodorous gas, it means you have severely disrupted your internal microflora. One of my clients had that experience with colloidal silver, and my recommendation was to stop it at once. My next suggestion was to have a comprehensive stool analysis to find out what the heck was going on inside their gut.
If someone is continuously passing gas, it usually because they have too much fermentation going on in their gut. It can mean a Candida overload as well, but generally, excessive farting is related to a bacterial overload, particularly SIBO. SIBO, in combination with the bifidobacteria in the colon, creates the most horrendous flatulence.
You know you’ve got a problem if you fart when you are walking or standing up. In both cases, you have so much gas production occurring that the colon is forcing air out when you’re in an upright position. That isn’t very nice. You don’t want to be that gassy.
Farting’s normal. Inappropriate farting is not normal.
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If you’ve got excess gas, consider getting a snapshot of the gut to see what kind of bacteria or yeast you’ve got in the digestive system. Once you have the results of your stool test, take appropriate action with antimicrobials, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. Also, make sure you are eating healthy food and drinks to support good, rather than bad, fermentation in your gut.
Bad fermentation comes from eating junk food. Proper fermentation comes from eating whole fruits and vegetables. Everybody farts, but small amounts of gas are quite normal for people to pass. If your farts are noxious, you need to do something about it. Start with a stool test and go from there.