What’s this multivitamin for a leaky gut? What is it? Is it brand X? Is a brand Y? Is it brand Z? Well, many multivitamins are good. I don’t really care what brand you take as long as you take a multivitamin and you’ve got a leaky gut, that’s probably quite a smart idea. Because remember, the body is really in a state of high stress with a gut that’s permeable. The unfortunate thing is you’re going to be allowing a lot of stuff through that membrane that should not be allowed, so depending on how bad the leaky gut is. Of course, nothing ever takes place of a good diet.
So I always really urge people to eat good food on a regular basis, if not, all the time, at least on a very regular basis because that is your multivitamin, especially the deep leafy greens where you’re going to get so many minerals from it like magnesium, potassium. You need to get these base minerals. When I think in my mind about the intestinal permeability, the small intestine, if you think about the larger kind of macro minerals, chloride, magnesium, potassium, they sort of diffuse through quite easily without worrying too much about permeability. It’s the active transport you need to be worried about. So minerals, amino acids, all these sorts of things, they get transported through the membrane. Of course, you may even need vitamins and minerals to allow that act of transport to take place in the first place. So that’s why multivitamin makes really good sense for you to have one per day as a minimum.
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Now I make a multi, but you can buy any multi as long as it’s a reasonably good multivitamin. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to get something decent. Okay? But just take one multivitamin per day. Check out Canxida Rebuild. That’s my multi. It’s a bit big and chunky. That’s because I don’t put a hell of a lot of compression behind the tablet and coat it with too much crap. So many people get tablets made where they really compress them down. So unfortunately, when you go to the bathroom, you’re probably going to poop the whole tablet out without even breaking down properly. The tablets I designed also, you can chew them or crush them easily so they can be mixed in with food. Multivitamins should be taken with food, not on empty stomach. You can get capsules or you can get tablets. I made a tablet myself because I find it easier for people to crush it and have to take it out of the capsule and things like that. One per day is all you really need and take it with a main meal. All right?
Should you drink water with your meals? Should you not drink water? Another debate. I get sick of all these people saying to me, half say you’re right and half say wrong. If you want to drink with a meal, you drink with a meal. Simple. If you don’t, you don’t. And if you do drink with a meal, try not to drink Heineken beer or white wine or stuff like that. Okay? Just have some water with your meal. That makes sense. All right? One of my first health food books I bought on the shelf behind me here, and it was an Italian health food book in the 1940s where the had people drinking one to two glasses of red wine at least twice per day with meals and it just goes to show anyway, some people.
So there you have it. A little bit of water with meals is quite acceptable. I’m happy with that. One multivitamin a day, but remember, you have to eat good food, preferably organic if you can. If you can’t, at least eat vegetables.