Can The CanXida Products Help With Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus is a widespread problem. I see this type of infection in many of my patients. When I used to see clients in person rather than virtually, I would always ask them to show me their feet, especially their toes. You’d be surprised how many people have got toenail fungus. It’s staggering. I think it’s a big problem, especially in America and Europe, where people wear covered footwear all the time.

Toenail fungus doesn’t occur very often in third world countries because people walk around in bare feet. Their feet are exposed to sun and air, and it’s hard for fungus to thrive in those conditions. If you have got toenail fungus, please watch my videos on toenail yeast issues because it’s a problem that you can overcome. I had terrible toenail fungus on all my toes when I was younger, and it looked hideous. I used to hide it. Slowly but surely, I got rid of that problem as my gut cleared up.

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It’s great to have nice feet again. It’s really embarrassing when you’ve got curly, mangy looking toenails. Your feet will look like something out of Lord of the Rings. You don’t want to look like that. Pretty hard to pick up a partner if you’ve got horrible-looking feet. Who wants to be around smelly, filthy, disgusting toenails?

A Candida cleanse is fantastic for toenail fungus. If you’ve got an issue with more than one or two toenails, particularly if you’ve got multiple toes with toenail fungus, you’ll want to do a gut cleanse. The best toenail recoveries I’ve ever seen are where people stopped drinking all alcohol for 12 months, they cleaned up their digestive system, and they used antimicrobials.

Many people have used CanXida products to help clean up their gut. I’ve seen several cases of terrible toenail problems resolve after the digestive tract was cleaned up. If you’ve got a minor case of toenail fungus, you may not need digestive treatment, but I recommend doing it just in case it helps. If you’ve got a big toenail fungal infection that’s been present for years, do the Candida Crusher diet. The MEVY (meat, eggs, vegetables, and yogurt) diet is particularly useful. Follow my program and watch what happens to your toenails. You’ll clean them all up. They’ll all get nice and clean. You won’t have to hide your feet anymore.
