CanXida Restore Can Keep Your Bowel Movements Healthy

Every now and then, people tell me that they get worried about the color of their stool. They say, “Oh my God, what’s wrong with my stool? It’s green?”

Green poop can mean a couple of different things. In some cases, you’ve eaten some green food that is coming through only partly digested. For example, it’s not uncommon to find a bit of green in your stool if you ‘ve recently eaten spinach or Swiss chard.

Green stool more commonly occurs because of bile problems. Bile itself is green, but as it passes through the digestive tract, it transitions from green to yellow and then to brown. The bacteria involved in digestion are responsible for the change in bile color.

If you’ve got a quick transit time – if something’s making the poop move quickly through the intestine – there might not be time for the green pigment to be converted to brown pigment. Causes of rapid transit time include medications, certain supplements, herbs like cascara and Senna, other laxatives, and anything that causes diarrhea.

The bowel likes to work at a certain speed. Anything that changes that speed can alter the appearance of stool. Stress can influence the speed of the intestine quite a lot. The fight or flight mechanism tends to reduce peristalsis, which lengthens transit time.

Further readings:

The rest and digest, or relaxation pathway, will counteract the slowing of the intestinal tract seen with stress.

If you are worried about the color of your stool, talk to your doctor. In my experience, in many cases, the stool returns to “normal” once the bowel flora is healthy again, and transit time normalizes.

A stool test can be helpful if you’re concerned about the appearance of your stool. Correct any findings such as low levels of beneficial bacteria or SIBO. I recommend taking digestive enzymes and probiotics to return your stool to its usual state. Check out CanXida Restore. It contains a very effective combination of digestive enzymes and probiotics. Clients using it have told me that the color of their stool has returned to normal after using the product.
