This article is not about using laxatives, such as magnesium citrate, to evacuate your bowel. Instead, we are talking about drinks that are not necessarily laxatives per se but still help generate regular bowel movements.
1. Lemon water first thing in the morning: This is a very nice drink to have, particularly if you add a little powdered fennel or powdered cumin. Mix a glass of water, the juice or ½ or whole lemon, and the fennel or cumin powder. This drink will help improve gut function. The spices help reduce gas, decrease bloating, and improve the movement of stool through the bowel. This drink also helps cleanse the liver. Lemon water also helps keep bacterial and parasite numbers down. It alkalizes the body, yet it stimulates the stomach. Lemon juice also improves upper gastrointestinal function.
2. Beginner Vegetable Juice: I suggest having vegetable juice at least once per day. My favorite combination is a Granny Smith apple, a celery stalk, and a carrot. As you get used to drinking vegetable juice, you can also add spinach to this combination. This juice mix will considerably improve digestive function, particularly if you include pulp with the juice. The pulp is an excellent source of fiber, and it is fiber that improves the bowel tone.
When you first start drinking vegetable juice, I suggest diluting it 50:50 with good quality water. In my CanXida Crusher book, I write about the three individual stages of juicing.
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3: Intermediate to Advanced Vegetable Juice: As you move from being a beginner juice to an intermediate one, you can add beetroot to your juice mix. Beets are very good for bowel function. An advanced juicer can consider more bitter vegetables or taking a shot of spinach juice all on its own. Spinach juice is a powerful drink because it is full of chlorophyll, magnesium, potassium, and folic acid.
4. Prune juice: Put three or four prunes in a big cup (bigger than a standard coffee mug) and pour boiling water on top. Let the drink sit for five to ten minutes. You can then remove the prunes. You can also remove the pits and keep the prunes in the drink. Blend the prunes and water together. Prune juice contains fiber and sorbitol, both of which contribute to better bowel function.
5. Apple and Pear Juice: Juice the fruit and then add a little bit of cumin, fennel, or ginger. If you want, you can add some Manuka honey. Apple and pears are very good for constipation.
There are many other approaches to constipation. For example, you could mix some psyllium or ground flaxseed into your drink.
If none of the above recommendations effectively manage your constipation, you may need a liver or gallbladder cleanse.
Stress contributes significantly to constipation because it slows digestion down. Make sure you are chewing your food properly.