10 Ways To Get Rid of Oral Yeast Infections

Crushing Mouth And Throat Yeast InfectionsAlthough a lot of focus remains on vaginal yeast infections, otherwise known as vaginal thrush, in women, another common problem arising from yeast overgrowth is that of Oral Thrush. Here I offer 10 ways to rid yourself of this troublesome problem, but would also recommend that you supplement with Canxida Remove during the program to speed recovery. (Please note: it should not be given to babies or children)

Oral Thrush or oral Candidiasis can occur not only in adults but also in children and babies. It is usually identifiable by a white coating which can cover the tongue and other areas of the mouth. Often you are able to wipe away this coating but it leaves behind reddened and sore areas which may sometimes bleed. Although it is not contagious it is, like other forms of yeast overgrowth, sometimes difficult to remove and will often recur. With that in mind here are my top tips for preventing and removing oral yeast infections:

1. Oral Hygiene.

Perform a good, regular oral hygiene routine. Candida loves sugars and leaving them behind in the mouth is simply giving the yeasts a place to breed. By practicing good oral hygiene you are, at the very least, reducing the chance of developing an oral infection. Rinse your mouth with clean water prior to brushing and then, using a toothpaste which contains tea tree oil brush for 2 minutes. Don’t forget to scrub the tongue gently. Remember to floss, particularly after meals and use an herbal mouthwash if possible.

Change your toothbrush regularly and also remember to clean the one you have in use. Dipping the head of your toothbrush in a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide for a few seconds before and after use will eliminate lingering bacteria and help prevent recurring infection.

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2. Denture Wearers

People who wear dentures are particularly susceptible to oral yeast infections. This is because dentures carry bacteria which can sometimes be particularly troublesome to remove. It is often found that denture wearers have ulcers or swellings particularly on the upper section of the gums and these can be further irritated by the dentures. Make sure that your dentures fit properly. Also ensure that you include tea tree oil in your denture cleansing routine by using a toothpaste incorporating this antifungal herb. If you have any digestive issues then consider that you might have a Candida overgrowth in your digestive tract and follow my Candida Crusher Program.

3. Build Your Immune System

One of the main ways you can prevent a yeast overgrowth or push an existing one into remission is to give your immune system more strength to fight it. There are many conditions which are recognized as resulting in immune deficiency, such as diabetes, HIV, thyroid dysfunction and adrenal fatigue, but stress, either emotional or physical can also deplete the immune response.

An initial tactic to strengthening your immune function is by increasing your daily intake of vitamin C. Remember though that ascorbic acid is the synthetic version of this vitamin and it is not as effective metabolically.

Because people with reduced immune functions often find it more difficult to rid themselves of a Candida infection than those people with a strong immune system, I do recommend reading the chapter of my Candida Crusher book which refers to this issue specifically.

4. Treat Oral Yeast Infections Locally

The good news, at least for those who like yogurt, is that mouth and throat infections can be treated directly. This is usually done with a good quality (natural and organic) sugar free yogurt. Yogurt contains the good bacteria necessary to overwhelm the pathogenic or bad yeasts. Simply place a spoonful in your mouth and leave it there for 5 minutes before swallowing. You can do this several times a day and it will certainly increase the number of good bacteria and give more power to your natural immunity.

5. Treat Yeast Infections Systemically

What I mean by this is that some oral yeast infections, particularly those which are of a long-standing or recurring nature, need to be treated by amending lifestyle and diet. This is due to the fact that you may not only have a yeast infection in your mouth and throat but also in your digestive tract. Often this means that yeast infections will be self-perpetuating and cannot be eliminated by oral treatments alone.

6. Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash

Mouthwashes are an important dental hygiene routine for many people but it is just as important that you are using something which is effective rather than one which makes your breath smell fresh. Tea tree oil is a very potent yet natural antifungal and it can perform as an excellent mouthwash. Simply add 5 drops of water soluble tea tree oil to 2 table spoons of water and rinse around the mouth before spitting out the solution. The same recipe can be used as a gargle if you have a throat infection.
Practice this for 3 times per day while you have the infection.

If you want to keep those bacteria at bay you can also purchase tea tree oil lozenges which provide protection during the times you are unable to use the mouthwash.

7. Hot and Spicy Food

Although you probably won’t need reminding, because hot and spicy foods will inflame and irritate oral thrush, try to avoid them during the duration you are infected. Because the lining of the mouth, throat and tongue is often damaged, such foods only serve to irritate these areas and keep them open to infection.

8. Treat Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are renown for resulting in reduce immune responses so it is imperative that you get these checked out. The two main offenders are zinc and iron and often I find that patients suffering from oral thrush will also be deplete in these two essential nutrients. My findings are no different to worldwide authorities who suggest that up to 30% of people may be deficient or depleted.

You can supplement with multivitamins, however often, in people who suffer from malabsorption issues, these supplements are based on RDAs which is insufficient to overcome such issues. In these cases it is best if you supplement with individual nutrients that you know you are deficient in.

Many people today have low levels of iron in their system and this can result in numerous problems. A lack of iron in the diet, or being unable to metabolize it, can result in wounds and injuries healing more slowly. Often sores and cracking will appear at the corner of the mouth. This is known as angular cheilitis or angular stomatitis and is often an early indicator not only of iron deficiency but also Candidiasis.

If you can get a blood test done which is specific for iron deficiency. Often doctors are reluctant to do this is base line blood tests are normal, however a B12 deficiency existing with an iron deficiency will result in normal base line assays. This is why it is important to go on symptoms and a test which is specific for iron rather than simply a base line test. Also many clinicians will offer a ferritin test rather than iron. Again this is problematic because ferritin is what is known as an acute phase reactant. This means it can throw a false normal result when a patient is suffering from stress or anxiety.
A specific iron test is always best.

Zinc is another extremely common deficiency and again it can result in poor wound healing and ulceration. The easiest test to have done is the Zinc Taste Test which will provide you with a quick and accurate zinc level assessment. If your clinician is not available to do this then a naturopath should be able to help.

9. Zinc and Vitamin C Lozenges

A simple solution around zinc and vitamin C deficiencies is provided in a lozenge. Not only will they help with resolving oral thrush but they can also be very beneficial when it comes to mouth ulcers or cold sores, a sore throat, poor immune function and colds and flu in general. When you are feeling a little under the weather then sucking two or three of these lozenges a day can really help boost your immune function and help your body fight the disease.

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10. Steroids, Asthma and Antibiotics

One of the biggest causes of oral yeast infections are steroidal drugs and asthma treatments. If you are asthmatic and have regular throat or mouth infections then, because the drug is necessary, it is essential that you are tested to make sure you have no other deficiencies which can be weakening your immune system. Today doctors often recognize that these drugs can be a problem and that they are linked to oral thrush and other infections so be sure to discuss the problem with your clinician.

Unfortunately the other side of the coin is that many people with such infections will also be prescribed antibiotics – which are a common cause of oral thrush but which most doctors are not particularly conversant with. Again this problem should be discussed with your clinician and the alternatives investigated. Often antibiotics are simply not needed or other natural remedies can be considered.

My Canxida Remove provides natural support for those looking for extra assistance in ridding themselves of oral thrush or candida.

47 thoughts on “10 Ways To Get Rid of Oral Yeast Infections”

  1. What are specific things to eat for breakfast if you have an oral yeast infection? Is nystatin good to use or not? That is typical prescription.

      1. If you drink kefir and eat a teaspoon of raw honeyalso rinsing your mouth with honey (like if it was mouthwashyou be fine in no time
        No sugar or noodles or cheese for at least 1 week

          1. Nystatin and probiotic regiment for a two week period or more. Switch and brush after every meal make sure you are swallowing the nystatin. I had it and couldn’t get rid of it didn’t stay on the regiment long enough and had to start all over several times. Now I always dip my toothbrush in peroxide and let sit over night rinse in the morning use a younger scrapper and mouth wash as well as take a daily probiotic. It’s been 9 months and I haven’t had an episode of thrush pr

        1. Activia. Eat at least 2 a day to put back the good bacteria to get thrush under control. I ate 4 activia a day and thrush cleared quickly. Can’t be on antibiotics, but in the future, whenever u r on antibiotics eat activia every day

      1. I had my teeth taken out & started taking spriva for copd ,I think I have thrush what should I do ?

    1. I’ve used 2 perscriptions of nystatin, which didn’t work. Also took a pill for yeast infection once a week for 4 weeks, no results. Taking clortrimazole losenges. Getting allergic to it. I’ve tried lemon wedges. I take probiotics. Eat Greek yogurt.
      I was on 4 antiobotics 3 months ago after stomach and intestinal bleeding.
      Please help!

      1. Wild organic oil of oregano!! Three drops in half a cup of water… rinse, gargle and swallow. Tastes yuk but you’ll love what it does for you. Best regards 🙂

      2. Nystatin is not working for me either. I wonder if this is because it has sugar in it, a source of food for the yeast???

  2. Don’t assume you have thrush just because you have white stuff in the back of your throat. It’s very possible this is just bacteria buildup (like what is normally on the back of your tongue). This buildup can happen if you have a dry mouth or sinus congestion.

  3. I just had teeth pulled/dentures 5 days ago. Seemed to be healing well but constantly felt like I had “road rash” in my mouth. Yesterday I woke violently shivering and have been feeling progressively worse. Noticed that I had thrush last night. I did take antibiotics as prescribed only bc my mouth was in such bad shape and was afraid of getting infection (which I did anyway). Can I do tea tree rinses etc with teeth so recently pulled? Should I treat dentures in something b4 bed?

  4. Iron supplements are the worst thing you can take. Yeast is a single cell bacteria which needs iron to re-produce. In fact most ppl with yeast problem (internal) are ppl who have high iron level. If anything, you have to lower iron.

  5. Thank you for your advice I find it very useful.I do have oral thrush mainly at the back of my throat, my tongue is rather red, but I have no specific white patches inside my mouth, although the out of hours doctor I saw did say it was Thrush. I gargle with cooled down boiled water with a tiny bit of salt in it, it does not hurt. I was given Nystan which is in a dropper, I have to sqeeze this in my.throat tgree times a day. Eating is awful because everything tastes like poison. I do make myself eat, I have to, I drink lots of water, I have used Amoxycillin before which always worked on a sore throat, or cold. I will be calling my surgery on Monday to request this. I probably will try to get to be seen at the surgery. I am so fed up. I lost a lot of weight when my husband was ill, and died almost two years ago, so over the last few days I have lost some of the weight I managed to gain, again. I weigh six stone..

    1. Thrush can be caused by antibiotics, you shouldnt neccessarily be taking antibitoics for a simple sore throat or cold anyway ? they should only be used for actual infections. the thrush will be worse if you are taking antibiotics not better ,

  6. my allergist said I have a lack of yeast in my throat , he put me on an antibiotic called clotrimazole 10 mg its making me sick. Does he know what he’s doing?

    1. Yes he does! The reason your feeling sick is because the bacteria in your body is fighting to survive and that’s why your feeling sick. I’m going through the same thing, but you should feel better with in a week or so. Also you should take a probiotic which helps with lowering the bacteria in your body. There are two kinds that you can take one that you can take with the antibiotic and one that you have to wait two hours afer you take the antibiotic. Just ask the pharmacist which one is which so you get the right one you want to take.

    2. I am on Clotrimazole 10mg to get rid of my oral thrush (I am a denture wearer) It also makes me nauseous and sick to the stomach, I was wondering if you had any of the thrush move out to the corners of your mouth? At first it was in my throat and tongue, now it’s pretty much gone (been on the lozenge for 2 days 5 times a day) but finding that the corners of my mouth feel like I have canker sores on them. Also did it hurt to swallow and feel like your glans were swollen?

  7. I had a stay in hospital with antibiotics put into my body via veins. Then a follow up of 10 days with antibiotics. Got thrush in my mouth. Treating with Nystatin does not work. Am desperat

  8. Hey!
    Can you recommend a specific zinc lozenge without any added sugars? I have found many but the “best” ones i have found also have 4 grams of dextrose in one lozenge with zinc acetate (life extension) brand. I’m feeling that the sugar is feeding the candida and giving me a spike in bloodsugar.. Thank you

  9. I have taken antibotics recently and now have a major burning at the base of my tongue and throat. Can hardly swallow anything except water. Dr. Prescribed duklican and a concoction called magic mouthwash. How long should this take to work. He only gave me 3 pills. Feels like my mouth in on fure!

  10. I have a thrush infection that I have been fighting with on and off and I recently got a sore throat and I was wondering if the thrush would make my sore throat worse.

  11. With my yeast infection and thrush at times i also feel like I am really cold and my hand and feet are like ice cold to the touch and have cold sweats at night

  12. There are times that I have gotten to warm and felt like my body was on fire. And then I will have pain and burning in my lower abdomen and face and mouth and throat. My feet will swell when hott and hands too!

  13. Use Clotrimazole cream on your lips and mouth corners 3 to 4x a day. Wait a few minutes and then use triamcinolone over the lips to add a protective barrier for moisture after the clotrimazole

  14. I saw white stuff on my throat a week ago this past Sat. By the time I got in to my appt. last Tues. it was on my tongue. 3 wks prior to noticing this, I had some steroid injections in my back by a diff. Doc. When I went to my reg. Doc. last Tuesday he prescribed Nystatin Oral- you Swish & Swallow every 6hrs; Amox 875mg every 12hrs; Triamcinolone Paste for the corners of my mouth. The past wed. I had another steriod injection. I went back to my reg. Doc. yest. Tues. the 16th & everything was good. But last week when I went to him he done a CBC, CMP, & I asked for HIV test because of the Medical Field I was in & things I seen is why I asked for test. Everything came back good. What can I do not to get this again or how do you get it? I brush & rinse my mouth with Listerine. My potassium & mag had been low (I have heart disease) But, numbers look good now. I was using alot of Fluoride toothpaste & fluoride mouth wash. I was told to stop & use Colgate. Just curious what can cause thrush. I had ate catfish from a restaurant the day before getting sick, it didn’t seem to be cooked all the way done, not sure. Any Help or Answers to help keep it away!

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