How CanXida Restore Can Help You Lose Weight

A 2013 study found that there is definitely a link between the microbiome and body weight. The researchers found that the larger a person was, the more disordered the bacterial content of their gut. Healthier, leaner people had a more stable microbiome than people who were obese.

It’s very, very, very important that you have a healthy microbiome. It’s more important than having a big bank account. You could have $1 billion in the bank, but if you’ve got a crappy digestive system, you’re going to suffer significantly. You can buy a lot of things, but you can’t buy a good gut.

You’ve got to develop that gut with your lifestyle and your diet. Ample studies now show that there is a link between gut flora and obesity. We can’t say it’s the cause, but we can see there’s an association between the two.

A disordered bowel with dysbiosis and obesity seem to go along with each other. Conversely, there have been many studies linking beneficial bacteria with weight loss. For example, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, one of my favorite Lactobacillus, has been linked to weight loss.

Further readings:

That’s one of the reasons why I like Lactobacillus rhamnosus; it stabilizes the gut. This particular probiotic powerfully improves the immune response in the GI tract and helps to drive down many different species of harmful bacteria and yeasts.

I included Lactobacillus rhamnosus in CanXida Restore because of the compelling evidence that it is very beneficial to gut health.

Based on the feedback I’ve received, women tend to lose a bit more weight, and to do it faster, than men. I don’t know the reason for this difference, but I’ve definitely noticed this pattern. Studies have also found a difference between men and women when it comes to the benefits of probiotics.

Maybe it’s because women take the supplements more regularly, or there may be differences in lifestyle such as alcohol consumption.

I think the probiotics can help people lose weight. But, keep in mind that there are several factors associated with going from lean to obsess. Increased caloric intake, including artificial sweeteners in the diet, and a disrupted circadian rhythm are all associated with weight gain.

A person who’s not sleeping properly, or they’re shift working, will often end up with a weight problem. If you’re overweight and you’re a shift worker, it’s probably time to get rid of that job if at all possible.

If you’re going to take a probiotic to help yourself lose weight, make sure you take it regularly. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and cut out the junk and excessive fat from your diet. Small amounts of healthy fats are fine, but you don’t want to be filling your plate with trans fat and the like.

Lastly, you’ll get more bang from your probiotic buck if you also include sufficient prebiotics in your diet.
