How To Get Rid Of Persistent Female Itch

Vaginal Yeast InfectionDo you have a constant itch that is driving you CRAZY?

In certain cases an itch in the private area can be so irritating, and considerably more humiliating to scratch. But if you have ever had a persistent and constant itch of the vaginal region, the urge to scratch it can be overwhelming to say the least!

In many cases, the cause will be found to be a Candida yeast infection. The vaginal area is a key area of a woman’s body to be affected to a yeast infection, and one of the most common symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection is persistent and uncomfortable itching.

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Why An Itch Down There?

It is important to remember that your body is home to many hundreds of different kinds of bacteria, and there are several species of fungi that live in and on the body as well, so it is normal for your body to contain a certain number of Candida albicans yeast micro-organisms. This tiny yeast favours warmth, moisture and darkness to enable it to thrive and multiply, and if the conditions are right, it can and will grow and multiply rapidly and become a real nuisance and embarrassment!

Fungal organisms like Candida typically favor the warmer and more moist areas of the body, especially the genital area, but can also thrive on the feet and under the toenails, under your arms and breasts and even in your ear canals and sinus regions. Candida can thrive particularly well in different parts of your digestive system, and if you have experienced persistent and chronic vaginal itching over a prolonged period of time, it’s likely that you may have a more systemic form of candidiasis that will need a more persistent and prolonged form of treatment to fully eradicate it permanently.

Vaginal Discharge

Many women experience not only persistent vaginal itching, but also experience a white discharge ranging from thin and liquid right through to thick, white and curd-like. An itch along with a discharge of this nature is almost certain to be a vaginal yeast infection. There are many statistics that now show that the majority of women, up to three-quarters, will experience a vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives, and many will have several recurring episodes.

Vaginal Thrush Causes

But how did this happen, you ask? Why did I get this annoying itch that just won’t seem to go away? It happened for a reason, and will often occur because your immune system became compromised in some way. There will have been stress, lack of sufficient sleep, illness, poor nutrition/poor diet or any one of several causes. Being pregnant or having taken a course (or several) of antibiotics may increase your chances of getting an annoying vaginal yeast infection as well, and there are certain medical conditions like diabetes which will make u=you more prone to a yeast infection as well.

Your Partner May Need Treatment

A women’s yeast infection is not considered to be an STD (sexually transmitted disease), although it can be passed from female to male and back again. A partner can certainly experience redness and itching after having had sexual contact with a woman who has a yeast infection, and for this reason, both partners are best to have treatment if they have have had intimate contact, and one is experiencing a genital yeast infection.

Preventing A Vaginal Yeast infection

To prevent a vaginal yeast infection from occurring, and to prevent it spreading by way of intimate contact, it is best that you follow these points:

1. Reduce or better still, stop antibiotic use. Try to avoid these drugs at ALL costs; they are in my opinion possibly the biggest cause behind many chronic and recurring vaginal yeast infections. If you must take an antibiotic, be sure to remain on a probiotic for several weeks after you have finished with this drug, and consume a natural probiotic rich yogurt regularly.
2. Treat Fungal Infections Promptly. If you know or have been diagnosed with a vaginal yeast infection, then treat it promptly! Don’t let it become chronic and recurrent like so many cases I’ve seen over the years. An acute problem treated NOW has a much better chance of becoming a chronic and most annoying problem that can literally wreck your life
3. Always wipe from front to back. Many cases of vaginal thrush and bacterial vaginosis (even more common than a vaginal yeast infection) can and regularly occur in women who don’t pay heed to wiping carefully after they have been to the bathroom.
4. Avoid perfumed powders or bathroom products. The vaginal area is particularly sensitive to many different kinds of irritants like colognes, sprays and other such artificial products. You should be careful with toilet tissue as well, as some brands contain various chemicals and deodorants.
5. Wear cotton undergarments. Avoid nylon or nylon/cotton blends when it comes to panties or undergarments. Cotton will “breathe”, unlike nylon which can encourage heat and moisture to remain in the vaginal area, encouraging the proliferation of a yeast infection.
6. Keep the area clean and dry. Be sure to shower and thoroughly dry your vaginal area after sports or exertion, and use a hair dryer to keep the area dry. Dryness discourages Candida.

Other Causes Of Constant Itching

There are potentially many other reasons why your vaginal area is itching, you may be irritated by tight clothing or have very sensitive skin. It is also a possibility that you may be having an allergic reaction to soaps, spermicide products or laundry detergents. Vaginal dryness, a common occurrence with peri-menopause or menopause, and this will naturally be more common in women who are in their late forties to mid fifties. A visit to your doctor may determine if “the change” is responsible for this kind of vaginal inflammation. A diagnosis is important if your condition won’t go away, or is chronic, and it therefore makes a lot of sense to have a swab taken to determine if what you are suffering from is in fact a vaginal yeast infection, and not bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, or genital herpes.

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If you can relate to and recognize the signs and symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection, you can certainly treat yourself in the comfort of your own home. But if you are uncertain, or want to know for sure what you are dealing with, then I encourage you to see your doctor for an exam and diagnosis.  You will find Candida Crusher to contain a chapter specifically about chronic vaginal yeast infections, and many women buy this book for this information alone. For more information, please go to the website

12 thoughts on “How To Get Rid Of Persistent Female Itch”

  1. Good evening,

    My name is Ms. Robinson and I would like to know more about the program. I have chronic yeast infections. I tried to click on a link but it said the pg was unavailable. Also, do you have a customer service phone number where I can place my order.

    Thank you very much

  2. Been fighting intestinal yeast for 30 years how do i buy the book nystatin wirks for me. Until my sweet tooth goes wild..need a menu. Food do and donts what test do i ask my doctor to do. She knows about yeast and beleives it is dsngerous. Not like other doctors who dont beleive it

    1. Hi I had the same problem every month for years the dr would give me pills all the time it just kept coming back. About 20 yrs ago I went to a naturopath and she put me on a special diet for 8 was as well as simply taking acidophilus at thesame time. I haven’t had a yeast infection since. I wish I could remember the diet to share with everyone because it was a miracle to me. I know I had to stay away from shelled veggies like corn and peas acidity foods like tomatoes and oranges etc. Chocolate ( that was hard) sugar and dairy. Oh yes don’t forget acidophilus daily. I think that’s it. It’s not easy and it was 8 wks but wow not to have a yeast infection again is well worth it. Hope this helps anyone. Naturopath 20 or 30 yrs ago I think we’re better. I think they were more about helping and not draining you financially. It’s so expensive now.

      1. If you’ve had your symptoms so long and with such recurrence and was helped with changing your diet than most likely it was not yeast infections you were having. Many women (and some men I suppose) think all that itches must be yeast when in fact there are many things that can cause current and recurrent vaginal and vulvar itching. When a patient does not respond to antifungal agents that should be a clue that either it’s not yeast or it’s a species of yeast that is not sensitive to the antifungal (which is exceedingly uncommon). Rather, women have been being treated with antifungals for long periods of time when in fact they have bacterial vaginosis (could improve with diet) or one of many skin disorders (lichen simplex chronicus, lichen planus, lichen sclerosis) that have drastically different treatments, or could be chronic irritation due to hygeine habits (cleaning, douching, soaps, detergents, spermicides, perfumes, pantyliners, wipes-none of which should be used in the vagina or on the vulva). Lichen simplex chronicus is an atopic condition that could also improve with changes in your diet and is much more likely to account for your symptoms than yeast that improved with diet (unless you are s poorly controlled diabetic).

  3. My vagina just itches all the time. An I go to the doctors a lot to get checked for std or anything and it all come back clear. But I just don’t kno why it itches an it makes me nervous.

    1. If you have not already, please see a gynecologist, we are experts regarding vaginal itching and vulvar and vaginal disorders. There are infections we can check for and things we can tell just from exam. If you do not improve with changes in hygeine habits and conservative measures, your doctor may recommend a skin biopsy to differentiate between various skin disorders that can cause your symptoms.

  4. I would like to know why I experience recurrent vaginal itches towards and after my periods. thanks

  5. I know of someone who is of age and has reach menopause who has this constant itching and redness of the virgina after scratching it. Plz whats the advice and what could be the cause. Thank you

    1. Could be atrophic vaginitis from lack of estrogen after menopause, could be chronic irritation (a contact dermatitis for the vulva called lichen simplex chronicus) Or could be something less benign that requires treatment like lichen planus or lichen sclerosis. She should see an Obgyn for evaluation and May need a skin biopsy if her symptoms don’t improve with vulvar hygiene and conservative management.

  6. My vagina is itching soo much and there is no distance. I’m only young, 16. I have never had sex. My period stopped a few days ago. I ran out of pads/ tampons on the last night on my period so I used toilet paper as a tampon, not inserting it in the vagina just between the labia. It has been itchy for 2 days now and I don’t know what to do. I really don’t want to go to the doctor and I only live with my dad.

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