Is Canxida For Eczema?

Over the years. I’ve treated many, many, many people with eczema, particularly younger people. I’ve seen thousands of cases of skin conditions over the 34 years I’ve practiced. Eczema is very common, particularly in young ones like under seven who haven’t got really fully developed immune systems.

If your child has eczema or you know a younger person with eczema, the first thing that you want to do is take the allergenic food immediately out of the diet,  and it’s usually dairy products, gluten, peanuts, the basic things. You need to get that out. If you don’t do that, well I think you need beating around the head with a soft object, to be quite honest. You need to do it. If you’ve got a young child with eczema, you just have to do it.

There’s definitely a link there. The gut becomes permeable, becomes leaky. Now, this could have happened for many different reasons, through medications or there are lots of reasons why they gut will become permeable in a young person. It could also be a genetic expression and they could have been passed down, but please make that diet change.

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Second thing is needed; the probiotics. You need to really look at a good probiotic formula. CanXida to restore should work quite well. The capsules, some people say it too big, but I know that younger people can swallow them. CanXida Restore the product that I designed in with the green label is brilliant for eczema; one of those per day. What you can do if the child is very small and you can open a capsule up and even sprinkle a tiny bit of that powder in with formula or with food and try that out because it should work okay as well.

But for an adult, or anyone over seven, say seven to 15, easily two capsules per day should work quite well. The CanXida Remove is probably not required so much. I would recommend that Restore and the other one which will work advantageously would be the CanXida Rebuild, with the yellowy kind of label. That could be crushed up into like a powder and again about a quarter or a half a tablet mixed in with food for a younger person. So you don’t really want to crush up the CanXida Remove. It’s quite bitter. It’s got strong herbs in it for getting rid of bug. If you can, don’t break open the capsule with CanXida Restore because it’s in a special sort of time release capsule that opens up when it’s down in the gut.

If the child’s too young, absolutely open the capsule and just put, even just a sprinkling of that with some food once or twice a day. There’s plenty of bifidobacteria in that formula and that will help very much repopulate the gut of the younger child, which is going to help seriously help with eczema.

So remember, you must remove the offending food. If there’s any cow products in the diet and get them out. If there’s gluten in the diet, get it out. With the eczema disappearing, you can, up to you, you can maybe add some foods back to see what the triggers are but the CanXida products work very well with eczema.