Is SIBO a disability? Do people who have small intestinal bowel issues, are they disabled? Well, not in the sense of, I would say, hearing or visual disability, but maybe perhaps to that degree, because many people who suffer with seriously bad, small bowel problems are going to have a lot of problems in their life. And these problems are multiple problems. It will often start off with, for example, a round of antibiotics, which could lead to another round. Or it could be medications, multiple medications for many years. I regularly get emails and messages sent to me from people who finally get on our candida program. They’ve been sick for a long, long time, often through medications or stress. That is a disability. When you’ve got a life that’s impaired so much that you have problems with everything you eat, you have issues going out, socializing with people. You have issues working because you’ve got to find a bathroom all the time. This is a disability.
And a sad thing is, when I was in my twenties, if you presented to a doctor with a gut issue, or an inexplicable problem as they would see them, they would test you. They would check you out and say, “Look, we can’t find anything wrong with you.” So of course you walk away from that medical appointment feeling really discouraged. And over time that becomes a disability because you keep getting told by many people, “There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s all in your head.” Unfortunately, this still happens today in the 21st century. So then you start developing real issues and over time it becomes a mental health problem. What first became a medical situation where you go to medication, eventually you get classified as someone who’s got a mental health problem. That’s a serious disability.
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So if there are issues going on with the small bowel, if you suspect SIBO, I highly recommend that you go to somebody, preferably someone who’s licensed, who knows what they’re talking about who can test you and let you know, yay or nay, do you have SIBO or not? And stool testing or breath testing or various other methods will certainly point you in the right direction and clarify that point for you, because you need to know. If you don’t know, it’s a big problem.