There are many reasons why you can get nauseous from oily substances like coconut milk. The first possibilities I would think about are pancreatic dysfunction, stomach problems, or a gallbladder issue. The bottom line is that something is wrong with the digestion system.
One way of determining where the problem resides is to identify how long it takes nausea to develop after drinking coconut milk. If the nausea is almost immediate, the problem is likely in the stomach. If your stomach isn’t making enough hydrochloric acid, it wouldn’t be unusual to feel sick after ingesting a high-fat beverage like coconut milk.
In the second scenario, if it takes a little bit longer for nausea to develop, it more likely to be a pancreatic problem. Pancreatic problems become more common as people age. For people in their 40s and 50s, the stomach and the pancreas both go a bit flat. Sometimes it’s a result of stress and drinking. I don’t generally see a lot of pancreatic issues in younger people unless they have a problem with alcohol. Although people of any age can have stomach problems, I mostly see stomach issues in men, especially men between ages 40 and 60. If you look at who is buying the lion’s share of acid blockers, it’s men, not women.
Further readings:
- How To Treat Jock Itch Forever!
- Candida Case Studies: Meet Kevin
- Can Pineapple Help Against Yeast Infection?
- Do I Have A Vaginal Yeast Infection Or Is It Something Else?
- Have You Ever Considered Colonic Irrigation?
The way to combat nausea that develops after drinking coconut milk is to start taking digestive enzymes. I recommend checking out CanXida Restore, the one with the green label, because it’s quite good for issues like this. If you take one capsule of CanXida Restore three times a day with meals for 10 to 14 days, your ability to tolerate coconut milk or oil should improve.