Should You Supplement With Vitamin D If You Have Leaky Gut

Should you supplement vitamin D if you’ve got leaky gut? That was an interesting question I had from a client. People are scared of vitamin D. I mean, I’ve looked at some videos where some people actually call it toxic and poisonous, and it will make you sick, and it’s not healthy. And man, there some wacky people out there. Look, you need vitamin D. It’s an incredibly important hormone in the body. It acts like a hormone. It’s very powerful in terms of its effect on the immune system. It has so many different effects on the immune system. You need to have vitamin D levels up, regardless of leaky gut or not. So getting a blood test done for vitamin D3 is quite important.

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My vitamin D3 levels are nearly 90 and I don’t supplement any vitamin D at all. Why would my levels be that high, almost 100? Sardines, anchovies, oily fish, and also omega-3. So I take lots of different things, but particularly the food. I like oily fish, smoked fish and oily fish. Some people say, “Don’t eat smoked fish.” Well, Dutch people love smoked fish. I’ve been eating smoked eel and smoked herring now for a long, long time. “You’ll die of cancer.” Well, no cancer yet. Maybe in the next 60 years. I don’t know. Be careful what you hear. There’s a lot of kooky people out there, all right?

Vitamin D, ideally, will be anywhere from 75 up to a hundred, should be a good blood level for most people. I remember when I started recommending vitamin D 20 years ago, even more than 20 years ago, people were very cautious of the level. And we were told keep it around 30 to 50 nanomoles, okay. Don’t have it any higher. Now they’re saying hundred is acceptable, as doctors learn more. So in years ahead, vitamin D will be seen as one of the missing links in autoimmune disease, I guarantee you. Make sure your levels are good.