If you are having abdominal or back pain that appears to be from gallstones, the first thing I recommend doing is a liver flush. My book, Candida Crusher, has handy information about liver cleansing and gallbladder flushing.
Many people say that the liver and gallbladder flush is nonsense, that it’s soap stones you’re passing. This is false. I found some excellent studies online that support the fact that during a liver/gallbladder flush, you pass out real gallstones. I found an interesting study published in The British Medical Journal from i985 in which a doctor reported that he did gallbladder flushes with his patients. He then took the stones that were passed to a laboratory, cut them open, and confirmed that they were stones. I’ve seen gallstones myself.
A gallbladder flush is best attempted after you’ve cleaned up your diet for a few weeks. You should be on a lighter, healthier diet for a few weeks because it’s not a good idea to go from pop and French fries to a detox.
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Anyone going on a gallbladder flush needs to avoid a diet high in sweets and the wrong kinds of fats. Those foods clog the gallbladder. Do a cleansing diet for about two weeks. When you’ve completed the cleanse, you can prepare your body even more by drinking apple juice and eating two or three green apples per day. I find that this approach works quite well. Rolled oats for breakfast is also fine but don’t have burgers, fries, or pizza if you’re preparing for a gallbladder flush.
Once you’re prepared to start, follow the instruction for a liver and gallbladder flush that you’ll find on my YouTube channel. In that video I provide even more details. The short story is that you need about 300 milliliters of olive oil and about the same amount of lemon juice. Mix the two liquids together, pour the mixture into a tall container, pop in a straw, and sip that drink at about six or seven o’clock in the evening. After you finish,
have a nice warm bath to relax your body, and make it an early night. When you wake up in the morning, you’ll need to make a beeline for the bathroom.
A few words of caution: I would never, ever recommend a gallbladder flush in your moving your bowels less than once a day. If that’s the case, get that fixed up first, or you could end up with a lot of discomfort during the flush.