Vaginal Yeast Infection Cures: Stage 2 – The Cleansing Douche

anxiousThe second phase of the vaginal yeast infection cure is designed to cleanse and restore the natural balance within the vaginal tract in terms of your acid/alkaline ratio. You’ll need about 10 minutes to complete this part of the process.

Main Benefit of the Cleansing Douche

The cleansing douche has a pH balancing, cleansing and tonifying action on the vagina. Use a vaginal applicator or a baster and carefully irrigate most areas, without adding too much pressure as you squeeze the contents of the applicator or baster. This douche that finishes off the treatment cleanses and restores, it returns the acid/alkaline balance back to normal.

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What You Need to Complete the Cleansing Douche

A vaginal applicator or baster, 2 to 3 tablespoons of a quality apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon of colloidal silver and a small bowl.

How to Complete the Cleansing Douche

In a small bowl of water, mix in 2 to 3 tablespoons of ACV and one teaspoon of colloidal silver. Either insert this mixture into the vagina with an applicator, baster, or by way of a douche, and/or splash/thoroughly rinse the region of the vulva liberally with this wash. Gently dry the area with a soft cotton hand towel then use a hairdryer to ensure a more complete dryness afterwards. Use fresh cotton underwear changed regularly throughout the day; and sleep preferably with no undergarments. When you are finished, place the cloth in a bucket or container with water containing a bleach and water solution to sterilize.

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