Digestive Enzyme Deficiency Testing

Digestive enzyme deficiency is very common.

I believe one of the many causes of enzyme deficiency is stress. People eat the wrong food, chew too fast, eat at irregular times, and eat while staring at a screen.

If you’re wondering if you might have a digestive enzyme deficiency, look for the common symptoms like bloating, gas, feeling uncomfortable after a meal, abdominal cramping, and irregular or misshapen bowel movements.

Before you assume the problem is digestive enzymes, make sure you are chewing properly. If you have significant dental problems, make sure you get those fixed up. If you don’t chew properly, you won’t stimulate the body to produce a sufficient amount of digestive enzymes.

Further readings:

Low levels of digestive enzymes can result in new food intolerances. Make a note of what foods are causing you trouble and do an elimination challenge test. Take the suspect food out of your diet for three to seven days. Then, start eating it again and see if the symptoms come back. If they do, eliminate it from your diet again for another week and rechallenge. If the symptoms come back a second time, start a trial of digestive enzymes to see if that makes a difference.

If you’re chewing properly and eating the right kinds of foods, a trial of digestive enzymes can be very informative. Make sure you have taken alcohol entirely out of your diet because it interferes with digestive enzyme function. Do a one week challenge that includes being abstinent from alcohol.

Take one digestive enzyme capsule with each meal. Observe your stool. Notice whether you are having any abdominal discomfort, bloating, gas, or other GI symptoms. Have the symptoms improved? Remember that you may need to take a slightly higher dose if you are eating a large meal.

If you experience an obvious reduction in symptoms after starting digestive enzymes, there’s a clear indication that your endogenous levels are insufficient.

Digestive enzymes are a fantastic digestive tune-up for people over the age of 50. But some younger people who are under a lot of stress can benefit as well.
