How To Manage Oral Thrush

There are a number of options when it comes to treating oral thrush.

Colloidal silver can help with oral thrush. I particularly like the colloidal spray produced by Silver Biotics. A couple of sprays in the mouth, anywhere from ten to twenty ppm is fine. You can use that two to three times a day without any problems.

In the case of children with oral thurs, borax may be of use. Boric acid is very antifungal and has fantastic results when used against yeast. I have found that homeopathic preparations of borax are fantastic for mouth and throat thrush. Brox works particularly well for the oral cavity.

Further readings:

Another option is to put a drop of tea tree oil in a small container of warm water. Shake it up, gargle, and spit. I’ve also seen some benefit from Lapacho Tea or Pau D’Arco tea, although I don’t recommend it for pregnant or nursing women. You can drink the tea or garble with it.

Even more important than treating thrush is preventing it in the first place. The critical step is to eliminate sugar from your diet. If you remove candy, ice cream, soda pop, and the like from your diet, the chances of getting oral thrush drop dramatically.

Sugar encourages the development of a thick, white coating on the tongue. If you look at the indigenous people of the Amazon, they’ve got healthy, pink tongues. You don’t see vending machines full of candy bars in the Amazon.

Amazon tribes eat food that runs on the ground or grows out of the ground. I saw an interview with a 60-year-old tribal leader from the Amazon, and he had beautiful teeth, a pink tongue, and bright eyes. All were signs of a healthy diet.

No sugar if you want to avoid a round of oral thrush. Prevention is far better than treatment.
