Tag Archives: yeast

Treating Vaginal Yeast Infections With Pau D’arco

Pau D’arco is very good for vaginal yeast infections and symptoms such as burning or itching.
For those of you who don’t know, Pau D’arco is a supplement that comes from tree bark.

If you’re going to treat vaginal thrush with Pau D’arco, you need to get about 15 to 20 grams and place it in about five to six hundred millimeters of good quality water in a good quality steel saucepan. Don’t use tap water.

Make sure you are using authentic Pau D’arco. You’ll have to do your own online research to source it appropriately. It should be between two and four percent lapachol content. If the Pau d’arco you buy has less lapachol than that, you won’t get the results you want.

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Next, bring the bark and water to a rolling boil and simmer for about twenty minutes. Cool the mixture down. When it is tepid, soak a tampon in the liquid. Insert the tampon and leave it in overnight. You can do that for several nights if comfortable.

This treatment has helped a lot of women tremendously, particularly if they were getting thrush premenstrually. Pau d’Arco offers an alternative to other treatments for vaginal thrush.


How To Manage Oral Thrush

There are a number of options when it comes to treating oral thrush.

Colloidal silver can help with oral thrush. I particularly like the colloidal spray produced by Silver Biotics. A couple of sprays in the mouth, anywhere from ten to twenty ppm is fine. You can use that two to three times a day without any problems.

In the case of children with oral thurs, borax may be of use. Boric acid is very antifungal and has fantastic results when used against yeast. I have found that homeopathic preparations of borax are fantastic for mouth and throat thrush. Brox works particularly well for the oral cavity.

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Another option is to put a drop of tea tree oil in a small container of warm water. Shake it up, gargle, and spit. I’ve also seen some benefit from Lapacho Tea or Pau D’Arco tea, although I don’t recommend it for pregnant or nursing women. You can drink the tea or garble with it.

Even more important than treating thrush is preventing it in the first place. The critical step is to eliminate sugar from your diet. If you remove candy, ice cream, soda pop, and the like from your diet, the chances of getting oral thrush drop dramatically.

Sugar encourages the development of a thick, white coating on the tongue. If you look at the indigenous people of the Amazon, they’ve got healthy, pink tongues. You don’t see vending machines full of candy bars in the Amazon.

Amazon tribes eat food that runs on the ground or grows out of the ground. I saw an interview with a 60-year-old tribal leader from the Amazon, and he had beautiful teeth, a pink tongue, and bright eyes. All were signs of a healthy diet.

No sugar if you want to avoid a round of oral thrush. Prevention is far better than treatment.


Will Lemon Tea Help You Lose Weight?

Is lemon tea good for weight loss?

Lemon tea is healthy, but it’s not that effective for weight loss. If you want to drink tea known to increase metabolism and fat burning, you should reach for a cup of good quality green tea.

Lemon tea may stimulate digestion and help with the stomach and small intestine function. I also like lemon, lemon juice, and lemon tea is because research tells us that they all inhibit bacteria. Lemon has a nice cleansing effect on the small intestine as well.

A 2010 study published in the American nutrition journal involved giving obese people four cups of green tea per day for eight weeks. The researchers compared the weight loss results of the tea drinkers to people who were drinkings four cups of water per day. The tea drinkers lost five pounds, and the water drinkers remained the same.

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It is thought that green tea helps with weight loss through its caffeine and polyphenol content. Lemon tea, in contrast, doesn’t contain caffeine.

I’m not opposed to including caffeine in your diet. Just don’t drink twenty-five cups of coffee per day. But one good cup of espresso in the morning is a delight.

Even though lemon tea doesn’t seem to facilitate weight loss, I still highly recommend including lemon in any form in your diet. Both lemon and lime improve gallbladder function. Lemon can also help with bowel movements and with oily skin. There’s probably a hundred and one uses for lemon, but rapid weight loss isn’t one of them.


What is The Impact Of The Ketogenic Diet On Heart And Brain Health?

Before you go on any diet, its important to understand the pros and cons. That includes knowing the impact of ketogenic or high-protein diets on the risk of heart disease and stroke.

There are people out there who advocate a healthy variant of the ketogenic diet, but the diet is still high in fat, high in animal protein, and low in resistant starch. A lot of different foods are missing from the ketogenic diet. I’m particularly concerned about the lack of starchy vegetables in that kind of diet.

The European Journal of Nutrition published a study that demonstrated a dramatic increase in trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), a toxic compound produced in the gut by a specific bacteria called Hungatella. Hungatella produces higher amounts of TMAO in the presence of a high-protein diet. TMAO is associated with a 62% increased risk of heart disease.

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This study was focused on the paleo rather than the ketogenic diet. But I’m pretty sure that the findings would be the same for the keto diet.

Restricting resistant starch and eating lots of dietary fat and protein alters the gut microbiome. This alteration can trigger different disease processes in humans.

Don’t stay on the ketogenic or paleo diet for the long-term. If you want to keep off weight permanently, focus on lifestyle, stress, sleep, and a generally healthy diet, rather than a fad like paleo or keto.

The ketogenic diet will stabilize your blood sugars and reduce body fat, but I’d hate to see what the arteries are going to be like in the brain and around the heart if you stay on that diet for a long time.

Remember, my concerns don’t refer to the keto or paleo type diets that also include fruit and resistant starch. I think those foods should never have been taken out in the first place.


Flavonoids And Weight Loss: What You Should Know

Can flavonoids help you lose weight? And if so, what’s a safe amount for somebody to consume daily?

Firstly, it’s important to know that flavonoids are protective factors found in plants, including vegetables and fruits. Flavonoids act to protect and strengthen plants, increase cell-to-cell communication, and stop sun damage. The bottom line is that flavonoids make plants strong and healthy.

Weight issues have been around for a long, long time. But they’ve exploded in recent years.
Flavonoids also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

I read a fascinating study in the British Medical Journal published in 2016, involving over 124,000 people. The study followed men and women for up to 24 years. This study found that people who each a flavonoid-rich diet found it easier to maintain a healthy weight. This was true even after the study was adjusted for smoking and exercise habits. Even sedentary people were found to better maintain a healthy weight when eating a diet rich in flavonoids.

Flavonoids are found in a variety of foods, including vegetables like onions, fruit like pears, and tea. The top flavonoid in this research was the anthocyanin.

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Anthocyanins are found in strawberries, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, radishes, black currants, and grapes. These foods are what I called “pinnacle” foods because of their high nutrient content.

I encourage people to eat berries every day to their beneficial effects on health.

Quercetin is a very beneficial flavonoid found in onions. That’s one of the reasons I eat onions every day. Red wine and chocolate also contain flavonoids. It’s easy to overeat chocolate, so be very careful and only have small amounts of high-quality dark chocolate.

The more flavonoids you eat, the less you’ll crave processed foods. These foods taste delicious and also have powerful positive effects on your immune and digestive systems.

Most people between the ages of 18 and 49 will gain one to two pounds per year. If you do the math, that can be a lot of extra weight by the time you’re sixty. By maintain muscle mass and eating healthy foods, including flavonoid-rich fruits and vegetables, you can buck the trend of gradual weight gain.
