Tag Archives: Pau D’arco

Pau D’Arco And The Gut

Taheebo or Pau D’Arco comes from a treat found in various parts of the rain forest in South and Central America.

Some groups of indigenous peoples in South America have been using Pau D’Arco fo hundreds if not thousand-plus years. The inner bark of this tree has been used to treat many different diseases, including cancer. It was also used for snake bites, fever, constipation, dysentery, gut cleansing, skin problems, and vaginal yeast infections.

In order for Pau D’Arco to be effective, it needs to have a lapachol content of between two and four percent.

You may read that Pau D’Arco is toxic. But I don’t believe that. I think the studies that showed toxicity were using megadoses. I do believe that there is a lot of poor quality supplements out there. That’s why you need to do the footwork to find the real deal. It will be difficult, but worth the effort.

Pau D’Arco is a fantastic herb for treating yeast and fungus. Once you make a batch, you can store it for weeks and weeks. It lasts a long time because it’s a natural product that seems impervious to getting bacteria or any other infection.

Further readings:

The Pau D’Arco should have a nice cinnamony color and a characteristic taste. It’s the inner bark that you want, and it will cost a pretty penny. Once you have acquired good quality Pau D’Arco, put about two or three tablespoons in four cups of plain, filtered, pure water. Don’t use tap water and don’t use an aluminum pan. Use a proper stainless steel, iron, or glass saucepan to heat the mixture. Bring it to a boil and then simmer for about twenty minutes.

Once you’ve finished simmering, top it up with water to bring it back up to its original level. When it’s cool, strain the liquid through a piece of cheesecloth. Store in the refrigerator.

You need about one quarter to one cup per day. For cancer, one cup is indicated. But for digestive problems, a quarter to half a cup per day is fine. If the taste is too strong, feel free to add some water to your daily dose.

Lapacho contains phenolic compounds that have been shown to be very potent against many strains of Candida. It’s also really good for vaginal yeast infections.


Treating Vaginal Yeast Infections With Pau D’arco

Pau D’arco is very good for vaginal yeast infections and symptoms such as burning or itching.
For those of you who don’t know, Pau D’arco is a supplement that comes from tree bark.

If you’re going to treat vaginal thrush with Pau D’arco, you need to get about 15 to 20 grams and place it in about five to six hundred millimeters of good quality water in a good quality steel saucepan. Don’t use tap water.

Make sure you are using authentic Pau D’arco. You’ll have to do your own online research to source it appropriately. It should be between two and four percent lapachol content. If the Pau d’arco you buy has less lapachol than that, you won’t get the results you want.

Further readings:

Next, bring the bark and water to a rolling boil and simmer for about twenty minutes. Cool the mixture down. When it is tepid, soak a tampon in the liquid. Insert the tampon and leave it in overnight. You can do that for several nights if comfortable.

This treatment has helped a lot of women tremendously, particularly if they were getting thrush premenstrually. Pau d’Arco offers an alternative to other treatments for vaginal thrush.
