Many women I’ve worked with over the years have noticed that their vaginal yeast infection gets a lot worse at certain times of the month.
There are different phases of the menstrual cycle – the follicular phase and the luteal phase. Often Candida will become a problem in the follicular phase as estrogen levels start to increase.
Estrogen and glycogen tend to work together. As estrogen levels rise, glycogen builds up in the vaginal area while the womb prepares for implantation. As a type of sugar, glycogen really allows Candida to build up in the vaginal area. As a result, many women notice that their yeast infection gets worse during that phase of the cycle.
Once you notice when your yeast infection is at it’s worst, you can time the treatment appropriately. You can use boric acid, suppositories, or the other options I’ve discussed in some of my YouTube videos. Some women have Candida throughout their cycle and may opt to use boric acid throughout their period.
Further readings:
- Why Some People Are More Prone Autoimmune Disease?
- Treating Anxiety and Depression By Fixing Your Gut Flora
- The Management of Chronic Bloating Due To Candida
- Metabolites, Mycotoxins, and Acetaldehyde – What Are They?
- The Bowel Purge Protocol
I recommend watching my videos because I’ve helped so many women eradicate their vaginal yeast problems. I’ve also helped women successfully treat bacterial vaginosis.
What you eat can very much have an influence on your susceptibility to vaginal yeast infection. Look at the guidelines I provide in my Candida Crusher book. The book also provides a protocol for effectively cleaning the vaginal area. Many women have found that information very helpful.