Category Archives: Other Issues

Recurring Ringworm: Can It Be Candida?

Alex is seventeen years old and is good about balancing his life between jogging with his two dogs, working at the gym, attending class and doing homework, and playing video games. He has had recurring ring worm infections, and though creams will resolve the issue for a short period of time, the ringworm always comes back within a couple of weeks after stopping the application of antifungal cream. He got the cream from his doctor, and has tried a few others that have not been successful. He’d like to know if this could be candida or another health concern.

Understanding Ringworm

Ringworm, dermatophytosis, or tinea, is a contagious skin fungus that is contagious and often a result of candida overgrowth. The most common treatment is topical ointments and creams. These may work at first, but if the fungus is burrowed deeper into the skin or body, it will come back.

As a fungus, ringworm thrives in dark and damp places, and the transmission through wet areas, socks, and other undergarments is not unusual. Depending on where the infection is, there are different types of ringworm. It’s a scaly and crusty rash that usually takes on the appearance of a worm by its thin, curving shape like a red ring of blisters. It can develop anywhere on the body, including the scalp (which may cause hair loss), feet (athlete’s foot), nails, and genital areas (jock itch).

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Pets with ringworm can also transmit the infection to humans. It’s important to treat any pet-related infections since the fungus can live for several months even away from a body. Frequent vacuuming and other measures to reduce pet dander and fur will help keep the environment clean, as will disinfecting the home and giving the pet medicated baths. Personal hygiene is also important to prevent transmission from pet to person.

Candida and Ringworm

Ringworm and candida are both a type of fungi. Ringworm is limited to skin, hair, and nail infections. Candida is a yeast that can affect many areas of the body, including skin as well. If ringworm recurs, a low immune system or unhealthy lifestyle may contribute to the chronic infections. An underlying cause such as a candida infection is another consideration. Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that can be mistaken for ringworm and may be the result of a candida infection. This can include eczema, dandruff, and general rashes.

Both candida and ringworm share the same dietary guidelines for healing. If choosing to undergo a candida infection, be aware that candida often tries to escape the body through skin, which can cause ringworm and similar infections. To determine if candida overgrowth may be the underlying cause for recurring infections, a thorough and easy quiz is available to establish how likely a yeast infection is present in the body and how significant the overgrowth may be.


Until floors can be thoroughly cleaned, do not walk around barefoot for risk of contraction. Clean socks, slippers, or shoes should be worn at all times. Avoid public gyms and pools to the best of your ability. If at a pool, wear water-resistant shoes to avoid direct contact with potential contaminants.

Do not share hair brushes, towels, clothing, and other items that come into direct skin contact with the affected areas. Wear clean socks each time shoes are used. When exercising, wear clean gym clothes and use a new towel each day. Natural shower gels that are antibacterial with herbs such as neem oil or tea tree oil can support skin disinfection and fight ringworm on the external level.

Diet and Supplements

Improving the immune system is important to stop recurring ringworm. Fresh fruits and vegetables support a healthy immune system, as do probiotics. Canxida Restore is one probiotic that helps balance internal flora to maintain healthy immune function.

Fighting a fungal infection internally helps support the body’s immune system, detoxification, and healing at a deeper level that antifungal creams cannot penetrate. Canxida Remove contains many ingredients such as caprylic acid and grapefruit seed extract to fight infections, and oregano oil, which is a powerful antiseptic.

An internal formula can be used with a more potent and natural cream like Canxida Cream to truly fight affected areas while healing the body. Most antifungal creams contain one or two main ingredients, but these are not always powerful enough to provide long-term health. Teatree oil and oregano leaf oil are antiseptics that help clear up skin infections, while aloe vera and olive oil combine hydration and nourishment along with antiseptic properties.

Removing sugars from the diet is another important step to starve the fungus. This includes alcohol and most fruits. Artificial sweeteners may weaken the immune system and other body functions as the chemicals do not register as food. Natural sweetener alternatives such as xylitol and stevia are debated in terms of whether or not they feed fungus. The safest method would be to avoid all sugars, a couple drops of stevia should not have a negative impact.

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Taking a multivitamin is important for the body’s immune system and general wellbeing. Canxida Rebuild is formulated for fungal, bacterial, and parasitic infections of the body. Extra minerals help support the immune system, energy, and skin health.

Drunk Feeling All The Time – Is It Candida?

drunk-feeling-candidaMonica is a middle aged woman who is concerned with her health as she always feels drunk. She is constantly dizzy, nauseated, experiences a loss of balance at times, and has trouble focusing in vision and concentrating on a project. She’s often tired and doesn’t feel fully awake.

She has tried supplements and visited doctors who believe that it is either her age or a psychological concern. She reached out to us asking if candida could be the cause of her drunk sensation or another health concern. She’d also like to know what she can do to improve her situation.

Potential Diseases and Other Considerations

Severe anxiety can weaken the body and create many side effects. Even if other diseases are the cause, anxiety can worsen symptoms, and stress management is important for maintaining health no matter what the underlying concern.

Hyperthyroidism can cause similar symptoms to being drunk, such as anxiety, weakness, and fatigue. When the immune system attacks the thyroid, the thyroid overproduced the hormone. More information is available on thyroid health and the immune system.

Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease that occurs when the body absorbs too much iron. Symptoms can include memory fog, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, and abnormal heart beat. Men can develop hemochromatosis in their 20s and 30s, while women become prone to it typically ten to fifteen years after menopause or a hysterectomy.

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Transmitted through saliva and known as the kissing disease, mononucleosis is a virus that typically lasts 4-6 weeks. While unlikely for Monica’s concerns, mononucleosis can cause similar drunken feelings of fatigue, headaches, swelling in the body, and fevers which may cause difficulty in focus. The cold-like symptoms typically last a couple of weeks, but other symptoms such as inflammation and fatigue can last for several weeks after.

Muscle tension in the neck and other body tightness from anxiety can create a sense of drunkenness. The sternocleidomastoid (SCM) trigger points at the sides of the neck can also cause migraines, dizziness, and other head-related concerns.

Tension on the neck, shoulder, and back muscles can also affect blood vessels going to the head. The pressure weakens blood and nerve flow. Seeing a massage therapist may help relieve and potentially resolve dizziness and other head-concerns if muscle tension is the underlying cause.

Those who have had viral meningitis note that feeling drunk is not uncommon months, even years, after they have gotten through meningitis.

Chronic candidiasis can affect the musculoskeletal system. If candida, bacteria, parasites, or other harmful particles become excessive in the digestive tract, they can tear holes in the gut and create leaky gut syndrome. The harmful particles escape through these holes and can settle in the blood stream, muscle tissue, and other areas of the body. Leaky gut may be the underlying cause of allergies and auto-immune diseases, including lupus where healthy tissue is attacked. Those with lupus can also experience a feeling of intoxication.

An overgrowth of yeast cells creates toxins in the body, and the effects are not unlike toxins from alcohol. If leaky gut or another cause of candida overgrowth that breaches the gut exists, healing the body tends to require more discipline and patience. A stricter candida diet may be needed for years before fully repairing the gut and body, however feedback from individuals with high toxicity in their body say that the rewards for going through the regimen are worth the effort.

Even individuals with less severe candida infections may find that their concentration, balance, and other head-related symptoms are strong. An overgrowth in the gut causes inflammation, which can create soreness in the body. This may relate back to tension in the neck, shoulders, and back which can hinder the nerves.


When the body is unhealthy, the immune system is weakened because it is constantly fighting harmful particles. This can create head-related side effects as well. Supporting the immune system is one of the first steps in healing the gut and body, and probiotics are critical.

With any formula, too many billions of good bacteria (probiotics) can cause dizziness, nausea, and other negative symptoms when introduced to the body too fast, while too many strains of bacteria may fight and destroy each other before they have the ability to repopulate the gut with beneficial flora. Candida Restore is one product that balances the strains of bacteria as well as the amount so that the immune system receives proper support and the gut is not overwhelmed.

Certain vitamins and minerals may support focus and balance. Vitamin B6 may help against dizziness, vertigo, and other balance-related concerns. Calcium improves blood vessel function, which can reduce disorientation and improve cognitive function and balance.

Many herbs are available to support balance, focus and memory, and other related symptoms of feeling drunk. Ginkgo biloba may support cognition, balance, and improve circulation in the brain. Ginseng can support relaxation, digestion, and energy. Bacopa and gotu kola are two Indian herbs known to promote healthy memory. Gotu kola may also maintain a healthy thyroid.

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Diet and Lifestyle

Staying hydrated is important to ensure that symptoms don’t worsen. Coconut oil is an excellent food that can replace butter while supporting cognitive function and fighting candida. Other foods rich in omega oils can support long-term concentration and brain health. Fish oil and avocados are among these healthy fatty acids.

Reseveratrol was recently studied in the elderly and found that their balance improved with regular intake. Reseveratrol is often promoted in red wine, but alcohol can worsen candida, dizziness, and other symptoms of an underlying health concern. Red grapes, cranberries, blueberries, and bilberries are natural sources of resveratrol that don’t require alcohol consumption.
Green tea may also support healthy cognition and fight candida. Lighter in caffeine than coffee and black tea, green tea has many healing benefits.

Sufficient rest is important for improved health concerns related to balance, stress, and mental wellbeing. Regular exercise without overexertion helps the immune system by activating the lymph nodes. Read more about lymph node functions and supporting the immune system to reduce symptoms associated with feeling drunk.

Feeling Fatigue, Low Immune System And Mood Instability

candida-and-mood-issuesCandida infections can lead to deeper health concerns, and visa versa. Katherine is a young woman who has had fast metabolism growing up, but now that she is in college, she has noticed some weight gain. She knows this is not unusual, but she is continually fatigued, sick with a low immune system, and goes through mood swings often.

Katherine joined a gym, but because she is always tired she cannot do more than a light bike machine or walk on the treadmill. She has had a few vaginal yeast infections, but none recently. She has stopped drinking alcohol and made other dietary changes. She has also gone through periods of fasting and juicing. The changes have relieved her symptoms so that she can at least attend class and go to work at the bookstore and tutoring lab.

She has taken homeopathic remedies which help only when she takes them on a regular basis. This is difficult for her because she doesn’t feel that she should have to take this long-term, and she never has a consistent schedule between work and school. She promises that other than her health, she is not stressed in life. She is an outgoing person who loves both of her jobs as well as her classes.

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Katherine has tried other supplements as well, including zinc, a B-complex vitamin, and iron. All three of these pills made her nauseous even when she takes them with food, and the B vitamin made her break out. She takes vitamin C as well, and though her body can handle it, she is still sick often.

Fatigue, Mood, and the Immune System

When the immune system is low, the body wears out fast when fighting bacteria, fungi (yeast and candida), parasites, and particles considered to be harmful. The gut-brain relationship is important to maintain for a healthy body to promote restful sleep, energy production, immune system, and a good mood.

A healthy lifestyle also affects candida overgrowth and other infections. Having an irregular schedule, staying up too late, and not taking rest periods even during the day can create stress and wear out the body even if someone enjoys life and loves their work and activities. Adrenal fatigue can occur when the body doesn’t rest, and this can cause mood swings, constant fatigue, and a weakened immune system.

While Katherine’s health concerns are some symptoms of candida overgrowth, this is not the only diagnosis for fatigue, mood, and the immune system.

Mood disorders are possible even in individuals who lead otherwise healthy, happy lives. Depression is a common disorder among adults that can cause chronic fatigue, poor mood, and a weakened immune system. Candida and depression may be linked because of the brain-gut connection. Difficulty concentrating and brain fog are other candida infection symptoms that may accompany depression. Chronic fatigue syndrome can have the same effects and other symptoms such as panic attacks and irritability, and be related to candida as well.

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to depression and chronic fatigue. Magnesium also supports healthy digestion. Supplements and foods high in magnesium such as bananas, yogurt, dark chocolate, dark leafy greens, whole grains, seeds, nuts, fish, and beans can support healthy digestion, mood, and restful sleep. The same foods can also support healthy energy levels to combat fatigue without the downfalls of caffeine and sugar, the latter two of which feed candida and may cause a yeast infection.


Vitamin C and zinc are strong supplements to take, however there are different forms of each supplement. For example, vitamin C may be available as ascorbic acid, Calcium Ascorbate, and whole food extract. Some individuals have an upset stomach after taking ascorbic acid and find they benefit more from a whole food extract form. Calcium Ascorbate is debated in terms of its absorbency in the body.

Zinc supplements come in many forms, and which type to take can be confusing and frustrating for many people. Some forms of zinc may have a high milligram value, but are not well absorbed in the body, therefore wasting the body’s energy to try and break down and utilize the mineral. Chelated zinc is debated in terms of absorbency, while zinc sulfate and oxide tend to be the least expensive but are also the most poorly absorbed. Zinc sulfate in particular is known to cause upset stomachs in some individuals. Zinc aspartate, citrate, glycerate, monomethionine, and picolinate are seeing as the most bioavailable forms of zinc.

Zinc should be taken with food to prevent upset stomachs. Many sources will say that copper helps improve zinc absorbency. While not false, candida infections may cause higher levels of copper in the body since candida can actually take out zinc from the gut and destroy it. Copper is best not taken when going through a candida cleanse, but can be part of a healing process when rebuilding the body after a cleanse.

B vitamins support mood and sleep, but may be sourced from corn, yeast, or other ingredients that can cause allergic reactions. Always read the added ingredients of supplements, as some may contain hidden sources of allergens. Read about how candida and allergens link up in the body.

Probiotics are important to take for the immune system as well as energy and mood support. Different probiotic strains work on different areas of the body, and can sometimes work against each other if taken at the same time because they fight to reproduce. Strains that work synergistically together and come in a moderate about of billions will work with the body and not overwhelm the digestive system. Canxida Restore is one such product that balances bacteria in both strains and billions.

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Fasting and juicing are temporary solutions for some individuals, however a stricter diet may be needed to heal the body and maintain long-term health when related to candida. Fasting and juicing can also wear the body out by not providing sufficient nutrition, and so rebuilding the body with vitamins and minerals is critical when ending a stricter diet.

Canxida Rebuild is one multi-vitamin supplement targeted to restoring the body so that fungi, bacteria, and potentially parasites cannot easily invade the gut again. This supplement includes B vitamins and magnesium to support healthy mood along with herbs to support digestive health.

For mood, fish or supplements with omega-3 that contain a balance of DHA and EPA have been shown to support healthy mood function and the immune system. While foods such as whole wheat and dark chocolate are linked to healthy moods, if candida overgrowth is a concern, these should be avoided until the individual has gone through an effective candida cleanse.

Food such as asparagus, Swiss chard, and lamb are known to boost mood and not feed candida. Some foods such as potatoes, Greek yogurt, and honey are linked to boosting mood and supporting sleep, but may not be best for a candida diet depending on the individual. Read more about a healthy candida diet for specific food ideas and guidelines.

Multiple Yeast Infections Have Tried Everything

multiple-yeast-infectionsMiranda is a young woman who has experienced multiple yeast infections and tried everything that she knows of to cure them. She has taken multiple prescriptions, and only Nexium works as a temporary solution. She has taken laxatives from the advice of her friends, but the side effects of bloating and even more constipation only worsen with time.

Miranda’s health concerns may both be a cause of supplements and medications that she is taking to help destroy candida and a root health condition that is causing recurring candida infections. Breaking down what Miranda has tried will assist in determining what better solutions may be available as well as outline some potential underlying causes of her health concerns.

Prescription Medication and Stomach Acid

Antibiotics, birth control, and other prescription drugs can cause yeast infections because they disrupt the internal flora (probiotics), hormones, and other bodily functions. Candida is given an environment to overgrow in when the intestinal tract is imbalanced.

Nexium is used to treat GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and other conditions with excessive stomach acid. Side effects include fungal infections, though excessive candida in the body can contribute to high acidity levels in the digestive tract.

Low stomach acid is another contributor to recurring candida infections. A simple pH test from a store bought kit will determine how high or low stomach acidity is. Betaine HCL is a supplement that can support health pH levels in the body.

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People reach for laxatives to reduce bloating and constipation, and there is a common idea that taking laxatives will cleanse the body. Unfortunately, laxatives can worsen and even cause candida overgrowth. Laxatives may cleanse out good bacteria and make intestinal lining difficult for these probiotics to flourish.

Laxatives also put more stress on the body, thus weakening the immune system and adrenals. When both of these latter functions are tired, candida can grow faster. The body may become reliant on laxatives the longer they are taken, which can reduce electrolytes in the body. This may lead to lung and heart conditions among other concerns. Ultimately, the body’s reliance on a laxative means that the body is weakened, including the immune system’s ability to function properly.

Many laxatives upset the digestive tract. Even natural formulas can irritate and even strip the colon when taking for extended periods of time. Senna and cascara sagrada are two common herbs to look out for in laxative formulas. Both herbs may cause more harm than good in some individuals, and neither are meant to be taken for extended periods of time.

Certain natural supplements can support healthy cleansing. Inner aloe leaf juice or gel is gentle in the body and healing toward the intestinal lining. If taking a liquid, ensure that the product has no additives, including preservatives.

Natural detoxification and cleansing in the body is promoted through probiotics. A strong probiotic that doesn’t overwhelm the digestive track requires different strains to work synergistically and not fight for attention and reproduction. Canxida Restore has a moderate number of bacteria and strains to support healthy and gentle repopulation of probiotics in the gut.

Gentle herbs, such as slippery elm bar which coats stomach lining so that food can slip through the intestinal tract, ginger and chamomile to calm the stomach, and HCL to promote health acid levels, are available in Canxida Rebuild. This multivitamin supports digestive healing and is formulated for those with yeast infections and other candida related concerns.

Yeast Allergies

Though uncommon, people do have yeast allergies. Many may mistake the allergy for gluten intolerances or a strong candida infection that becomes more inflamed when trigger foods or drinks are consumed. Yeast allergies are likewise diagnosed as celiac or similar food diseases.

There are many different types of yeast, and people with yeast allergies are often allergic to the saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Environmental allergies to fungus and mold tend to go along with this allergy, and so keeping a clean home and eating food with no fermentation is important.

Diagnosing a yeast allergy can be difficult, as both infections and intolerances have the same symptoms. Digestive upset including bloating, stomach pain, heartburn, and gas is a common first sign of any three possibilities. Joint pain, short breath, and muscle soreness may also represent any of the three yeast concerns.

Having allergy-like reactions such as a skin rash or infection, runny nose, watery eyes, or a sore throat shortly after eating yeast has a stronger link to allergic reactions.

Other Considerations

Intestinal Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects the colon, and the poor health can lead to recurring yeast infections. IBS also has similar symptoms as candida overgrowth, including bloating, gas, abdominal cramping and pain, and irregular bowel movements.

Leaky gut is another condition that allows candida to overgrow in the body, including in the bloodstream and other areas. Leaky gut occurs when poor diet and immune function allow holes to tear in the intestines. Larger holes in both size and number allow particles to escape the digestive tract and end up in the blood stream. This includes parasites, bacteria, fungi, and harmless particles that the body mistakenly attacks as a threat. More information is available on leaky gut in connection to yeast infections, allergies, and overall health. IBS, leaky gut, and candida overgrowth share the same dietary needs to heal the body.

A recent study found a link between candida and inflammation of the stomach lining, known as gastritis. Antacids are often taken to reduce the symptoms, but will not resolve the underlying cause for gastritis. NSAIDs (ibuprofen), cigarette smoking, and excessive alcohol intake are common causes. Alcohol, any fruit with citric acid, sodas, and most forms of caffeine (coffee and black tea) should be avoided. Onions, garlic, and green tea can support healthy healing while also destroying excessive yeast in the body.

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Foods to Avoid

Any food and drink that feeds candida should be avoided when going through a cleanse, especially if an allergic reaction is present. Cheese, breads, nuts and peanuts, and mushrooms are especially high in fungi and yeast and may trigger an allergic reaction. Fruit is high in sugar and may also aggravate the body. Drinks to avoid include ciders and alcohol, especially wine and beer. Supplements may also derive from yeast. Look for ‘yeast free’ labels when taking supplements.

Condiments, sauces, vinegars, and gravy should also be avoided. Packages of these substances often contain wheat, derivatives of corn, and other ingredients that can upset the digestive system. The one exception to this guideline is apple cider vinegar which can increase stomach acid. Each person will respond differently, and so taking small doses of apple cider vinegar to see what reactions may occur is a good method to determine whether it will support healthy digestion or worsen symptoms.

Foods to Eat

Resources are available with foods high in fiber for natural and gentle cleansing that will also destroy yeast.

Poor Concentration, Brain Fog & Candida

concentration and candida connection

Liz reached out to us to find out if she has candida overgrowth. She has had trouble concentrating at her job, helping her sixth grade and fourth grade daughters with homework, and being engaged in church activities where she is loves to work. She also says that her brain feels foggy and her short term memory is suffering: everything from not remembering where she put her keys to forgetting to do laundry and being in a daze for several minutes has her worried.

Liz has also been more fatigued lately. She forces herself to attend yoga, but only goes two or three times a week instead of her normal four or five. She still takes walks, but she used to take power walks around her nearby lake and park, and they have now become strolls.

Her husband and parents have been supportive and helped her out so that she can get more rest, but she feels guilt for her health concerns and does not know what has happened to her otherwise active, but peaceful life.

Liz has been to the doctor a few times, and her thyroid and adrenal glands are within healthy levels. There is no evidence of a chronic condition or infection, but she has struggled to have a good conversation with her doctors as well.

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She admitted that she is skeptical not because she doesn’t believe in yeast infections and the health problems associated with it, but because she has tried numerous supplements for yeast and other concerns. She has cut out alcohol completely, and only drinks tea now since the caffeine helps her with energy.

Liz has tried milk thistle for the liver, probiotics for her gut and immune system, and a multivitamin to pick herself back up. No simple diets or supplements that she has tried have worked, and so she also asks us how long it would take to notice a difference, why she has not noticed any changes after two months, and when she should give up and try something else.


Though Liz’s doctor said her thyroid was in healthy levels, others with similar symptoms may want to find out more about the thyroid-brain connection. Depression, low self-esteem, memory concerns, difficulty concentrating, and a general apathy toward life are signs of an underactive thyroid. More information about how the thyroid functions, as well as symptoms is available.

Even if the adrenal glands and thyroid are at a healthy level, stress and burnout can cause a variety of health concerns. Learn more about how stress affects the brain and digestive tract.


Many young women do not realize that menopause can start in the late 20s for some women, even though the average for women is mid 40s to 50s. Menopause is often categorized as perimenopause and even postmenopause: the before and after stages of menopause. It is not a disease, but rather a normal cycle in a woman’s life that can cause symptoms just as menstrual cycles can cause cramps.

Perimenopause develops for years before menopause comes, and is the process when the body decreases estrogen production. Fatigue, brain fog, trouble sleeping, hot flashes, and breast tenderness are a few common symptoms.

One difficult measure with all stages of menopause is that there is no accurate test to determine this stage of life. Multiple blood tests may be taken to measure hormones, but most diagnoses are based on symptoms and personal history.


Liz’s symptoms certainly fall into the common signs of a candida infection. When the immune system or internal flora (probiotics) are weakened in the body, bacteria, yeast, and other harmful particles grow to an unhealthy balance and create more problems for the body. Stress, allergens, poor diet and exercise, and other criteria can lead to yeast overgrowth. A comprehensive, free quiz is available to establish the likelihood that a candida infection is the underlying cause.

Candida infections are often precursors to other health conditions such as leaky gut, which creates holes in the digestive tract lining and allows particles to escape into the blood stream. Neurological disorders that cause brain fog can also be linked to yeast overgrowth in the body. These include fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and chronic fatigue.

Additional Foods and Supplements

Liz had an excellent concern about when supplements should work. Each person is unique, and an effective supplement or combination of herbs and other nutrients can take anywhere from days to months to notice. Two weeks to three months is a typical time range to expect noticeable changes.

Unfortunately, with the number of supplements available, consumers can become confused about what to take. Many will go with the lowest priced product to try it out, but if the extract is too low or the pills do not dissolve, they will not notice a difference. Even extraction methods differ for each company, and so a lower dose of one herb may still be better absorbed and have a higher potency than a higher milligram value of a similar product.

Many supplements work well when paired together just as a blend of foods is required for a healthy diet. As an example, the Canxida line was formulated to work synergistically together both with individual ingredients in each pill as well as the three formulas. The Remove formula has a powerful blend of antifungal ingredients that also work as antibacterial and anti-parasitic so that the entire body is cleansed of these excessive or harmful problems. Rebuild is a multivitamin geared toward supporting balanced nutrition in the body. This can support energy and restore focus and concentration with B vitamins and minerals.

There are many probiotics in the market, and each individual responds differently to a formula. Many products contain too few strains (the type of probiotic) or not a high enough amount. Other formulas may contain too many strains which end up fighting each other to flourish in the gut, or there may be too high a count of probiotics which can cause digestive upset. Canxida Restore is a potent blend of probiotics to work synergistically together with a moderate amount of live probiotics to repopulate and heal the body.

CoQ10 in at least 100mg can support detoxification and soothe depression and fatigue. Extra greens, or a green supplement combined with CoQ10, promotes sustainable energy in the body without a crash that sugar and caffeine would cause.

Coconut oil is an excellent supplement to take daily. 1 tbsp is common, but can be increased to 4 tbsps per day. Coconut oil promotes memory and fights against candida overgrowth and other infections. More information on coconut oil is available to learn the health benefits.

Nutritional deficiencies in vitamin B-12, magnesium, and amino acids affect energy and mental focus. If unprocessed foods with a well-rounded diet still cause deficiencies, the digestive tract may not be able to absorb nutrients. Check for malabsorption, which is often caused by an underlying condition such as leaky gut or candida.

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Brain Exercise and Stimulation

Being engaged in life is important to combat general mental focus, fatigue, and memory fog. While supplements can support a healthy body, exercise for the brain is just as critical. People are often stuck in the same job and fall into a routine in life. Breaking the routine and engaging in a new activity, or rediscovering a familiar one, helps many become reengaged with their lives.

Learning a new skill such as a language or painting, practicing simple algebra, and reading aloud engage and exercise the brain. Hobbies such as woodworking, cooking a new recipe, or learning to sew can support relaxation while also requiring mental focus. Even simple stimulation such as being keen on surroundings in a new park or going on a new trail supports healthy brain function. Simple practices such as these can help revitalize the body.