Category Archives: Yeast Infection Treatment

Yeast Infection Treatment Outlines Outlines Some Articles Which Outline The The Basic Principles Of The Candida Crusher Program, Which Has Been Perfected By Naturopathic Doctor Eric Bakker Over The Past Twenty years Of Clinical Practice.

Is Yoga Beneficial For Candida?

Here at YeastInfection.Org we are all about holistic approach to get rid of candida yeast infection. A question that we been getting asked a lot: if yoga can help or not?

Given that candida is an internal problem that is usually treated by giving substances orally, yoga seems like an unusual and ineffective treatment for candida doesn’t it?

But in any case, the answer is YES, and for several reasons.

Yoga is a practice that originated in India thousands of years ago that has physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. It consists of adopting various postures or poses that improve flexibility, balance, and stamina, and also includes meditation along with exercises for controlling the breath.

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The main reason why yoga is a useful adjunct treatment for candida is because it promotes excellent general health. There are many other benefits of yoga such as:

  • Reduces stress. Yogic poses and breathing exercises teach practitioners how to slow down their breathing and enter a state of deeper relaxation. Excess stress weakens the immune system and also causes an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which causes sugar to be released into the bloodstream. Sugar is the main fuel source for candida. Thus, the regular practice of yoga, which lowers stress levels, creates an internal environment in which candida is less likely to thrive. It may also reduce cravings for certain foods that spike blood sugar when we reach for them during times of stress. We have done numerous videos how stress can feed candida, you can watch them below:

  • Reduces toxic load. Sweating is one way in which the body releases toxins. Any form of exercise that induces sweating, including yoga, helps remove toxins from the body. Candida cells produce about 80 endotoxins that are released into the body. These toxins, such as ethanol and ammonia, can change the body’s internal environment in a way that favours the further growth of candida. Also, once you start treating your candida infection and the candida cells begin to die, you can experience a process called candida die-off. The dying candida cells release different toxins, called aldehydes, into the body that cause additional symptoms, such as fatigue, headaches, and brain fog. Regular exercise, such as yoga, can reduce the toxic load produced by both living and dying candida cells by excreting them through the sweat glands and thereby reduce the symptoms of candida.
  • Balances hormones. Yoga postures can regulate the endocrine glands, which produce various hormones. A study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases in 2000 showed how excess estrogen directly causes candida overgrowth, especially intravaginally. This is why women who take oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy during menopause are especially at risk for candida infection. The regular practice of yoga can help to balance the hormones and reduce the risk of candida overgrowth.
  • Balances blood sugar levels. By helping to build muscle and endurance, yoga lowers blood sugar levels. Candida thrives on sugar. This is why people with diabetes are particularly prone to candida infections. Lower blood sugar deprives candida of its main fuel source.
  • Strengthens the immune system. Reduced stress and lower blood sugar promote a stronger immune system. Strong immunity is the key to preventing candida as well as other infections.

What should I do if I’ve never done yoga before?

Yoga is very easy to learn. The best way to start doing yoga is to take a class. A class gives you the benefit of an instructor who can guide you in doing the poses correctly and adapt them for you if you have any injuries. You also get the benefit of a group for emotional support and motivation.

If taking a class is not an option, you can buy or borrow yoga DVDs from your local library or watch youtube videos on various poses and routines.

At first, some of the poses may be difficult, but if you persist, you will eventually gain greater flexibility, strength, and endurance, not to mention a calmer mind and better general health.

Even though yoga is not considered a primary treatment for candida, it is a wonderful adjunct treatment that brings many health benefits for mind, body, and soul.

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Eric talks a lot about the holistic approach and the role of immune system in his book candida crusher. So while yoga will not have a direct impact on candida itself, it can help build your immune system which holds back a lot of people from getting rid of the infection.

As usual consult with your physician to find out if you are fit for yoga. You can also book your consultation with Eric and he can go over everything with you.

Is Castor Oil Good for Candida?

Yes! Castor oil has been lauded for its many healing effects, including antifungal properties. A classic study published in 1961 by the Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society found that ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid in castor oil, displayed high antimicrobial activity against yeast, bacteria, and mold.

The oil can be taken internally to help probiotics multiply and induce a laxative, cleansing effect to help clear out dead or semi-dead candida cells. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Applied Oral Science found that castor oil significantly reduced candida and bacteria placed in root canals after 21 days. It is also used externally for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, and is believed to draw out toxins in the body.

Most scientific research has only used castor oil as a base for other chemicals when studying effects on candida. While the oil has been found to reduce candida in intestinal and oral infections, yeast overgrowth in the genital area needs more research to establish efficacy. However, Undecenoic acid, a polyester derived from castor oil, is used for vaginal yeast infections as it inhibits fungal growth and helps reduce inflammation.

There is no need to use castor oil if you don’t have candida yeast, take our free quiz to see if you may have the overgrowth or not..


As a laxative, castor oil may cause stomach pain, cramping, diarrhea, or nausea. Dizziness, irregular heartbeat, and general physical weakness are other reported side effects. Stop use immediately if these effects do not wear off or become worse. Although rare, some people can be severely allergic. Seek medical assistance immediately if any symptoms occur: rash, swelling/itching especially in the face, throat, or tongue, breathing problems, or extreme dizziness. Castor oil is not recommended during pregnancy, and has not been studied on breastfeeding mothers.

How to use it (externally or internally)

Research and testimonials have shown castor oil to be effective for both internal and external use. If taking internally, you may mix the oil with juice or tea to help mask its unpleasant taste and texture. Follow directions on the container, and begin with lower dosages.

Hot packs of castor oil can be placed on the abdomen to stimulate bowel movements and treat skin infections. The cloth pack is often placed in areas needing detoxification, such as intestinal areas, liver, joints and muscles. Soak the castor oil in a wool flannel cloth that has been folded in layers. To prevent oil from dripping, cover the top (area not touching the skin) with plastic. Castor oil will stain, so make sure to cover fabrics or lay down on rags or old towels. Using a heating pad or hot bottle of water can increase the effectiveness. Keep the pack on for around one hour. Remove excessive oil off the skin with an old cloth.

How to Find the Best Castor Oil for Candida?

Purchasing castor oil can be difficult: there is light and black, as well as products that state “For External Use Only.” Natural castor oil is yellow in color, while the black form adds ash from roasted castor beans into the oil solution. The benefits of including ash have not been studied. Cold-pressed oil is a pale yellow hue and made by the squeezing castor beans at a high pressure without heat. By not using heat, the oil is not degraded.

Other uses

Externally, castor oil is found in many beauty products and used to nourish hair, skin, and nails. It is believed to help strengthen and lengthen eye lashes. People also use oil packs to stimulate lymph flow and relieve join pain. A 2002 study in Chiba, Japan that was published in Ophthalmology found castor oil eye drops were a safe and effective treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction, a condition that causes dry eyes.

Castor oil is used internally as a laxative and to soothe irritable bowel syndrome or other digestive problems most commonly caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria. It is used to cleanse bowels before an x-ray or to combat food poisoning. Olive oil is commonly used as a substitute to castor as there are not as many concerns with internal consumption, and because olive oil may also contain chemicals to help fight fungus.

Is Castor Oil Enema Good for Candida?

The effectively of castor oil enemas being used for candida has limited research. Read more about enemas and candida.

Is Frozen Castor Oil a Better Option?

Freezing castor oil may help prevent cramping and other negative digestive reactions, as the oil will dissolve near the bottom end of the small intestine. This means that the oil will not work as a laxative, but will retain antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Is Manuka Honey Good For Yeast Infections?

The healing properties of manuka honey have been known for thousands of years. The Incans, Greeks, and even Napeoleon, who’s royal crest was a honeybee, understood the incredible power of this natural substance. In more recent history, the Amish have found honey to be critical in a herbal salve for burns. But what about using honey for yeast infections? Is it safe and more importantly, can it help?

All honeys share similar medicinal properties but manuka honey, which is made by honeybees using the nectar from the Leptospermum scoparium tree found only in New Zealand, has been found to contain the compound methylglyoxal. Methylglyoxal may explain why manuka honey may be more effective than other types of honey for medicinal use. Manuka honey in particular is graded using two systems, UMF (unique manuka factor) and MGO (methylglyoxal). UMF looks at the non-peroxide activity of the honey, which was believed to explain it’s anti-bacterial effect. It ranges from 5+ to 30+ so a manuka honey with a UMF 22+ would be considered to be very high quality versus a manuka honey that is labeled UMF 5+. However, more recent research suggests that there is more than just this non-peroxide activity to explain the healing effects of honey. The other rating system, MGO, looks at the level of methylglyoxal in manuka honey, which is believed to be the active ingredient and responsible for the healing properites of manuka honey. Ratings on the MGO system range from MGO 100 to MGO 500 so like the UMF rating system, the lower the number, the lower the quality of the honey.

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As for medical grade manuka honey, which to is sterilized and filtered to remove impurities, it has been used for wounds, burns, and diabetic ulcers that won’t heal. In fact, according to studies by Efem, Phuapradit, and Cavanagh, honey has been found to decrease healing time of wounds, reduce scarring, and even sterilize the wound site. In addition, Vardi found in clinical trials, honey was even more effective than conventional wound care for the treatment of infected or poorly healing wounds. It is interesting to note, that in some of these studies, the honey used was non-sterile commercial honey, so it calls into question the reliability of the UMF and MGO rating systems at predicting quality.

While it is generally thought of for bacterial infections, there are several creams that contain manuka honey, which can be effective for skin yeast infections, such as Manuka Therapy Cream. In addition to topical uses, according to a study by Darvishi, a honey and yogurt cream was found to be as effective as the anti-fungal drug, Clotrimazole, in treating vaginal yeast infections and the participants experienced less negative side effects with the honey and yogurt mixture.

And while there is no research to directly support honey eradicating gastrointestinal yeast infections, it is known to have anti-fungal activity and has been demonstrated to be possibly probiotic in nature, which is critical for many chronic gut conditions. There is very little research that demonstrates that honey exacerbates or causes yeast infections.

In general, honey does not have many side effects and is relatively safe and benign. However, honey may contain small amounts of the bacteria that causes botulism so it is not recommended for consumption in children under 1 year of age. Also, because honey is composed of mostly glucose and fructose sugars, those with diabetes should consult their doctor before taking honey internally as part of a daily health regimen since it may negatively affect their blood sugar levels.

As for using manuka honey medicinally, a little goes a long way. For external wounds or yeast infections, applying a teaspoon or two and covering the area twice a day has been found to be effective for healing. In treating vaginal yeast infections, apply a teaspoon of a honey and yogurt mixture internally using an applicator every night for a week. For internal probiotic support, consuming as little as 50 grams a day has been shown to have a positive benefit.

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In summary, while the research demonstrating how manuka honey promotes healing is still in its infancy, thousands of years of use for wounds and burns demonstrate how effective it is for wound care. And while honey should not be your first choice for gastrointestinal yeast infections, it may prove to provide supportive care in the form of a natural probiotic, and is definitely useful for vaginal as well as skin yeast infections. Additional information about manuka honey can be found on the National Beekeepers Association of New Zealand website,

Can Amoxicillin Cause Yeast Infections?

Amoxicillin is a penicillin-type antibiotic, meaning that it is made from the same type of mold as penicillin. It fights bacteria by inhibiting bacterial cell wall formation. This type of antibiotic is most effective against actively growing bacteria. We did numerous case studies which you can watch on our youtube channel or below.

Case Study #1

Case Study #2

Amoxicillin is commonly prescribed to treat many types of bacterial infections, such as sinusitis, bronchitis, gonorrhea, ear infections, as well as urinary tract infections. Dentists commonly prescribe it to prevent complications after dental or gum surgery for people with heart valve abnormalities.

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Standard dosing of Amoxicllin for adults is 250 to 500 mg orally three times a day for 7 to 10 days or 500 to 875 mg orally twice a day.

Many people have severe hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reactions to oral penicillins. Make sure you tell your doctor if this is the case for you.

It is also common to experience Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea (CDAD) after taking antibiotics because antibiotics alter normal gut flora. You must follow a proper diet during the course of antibiotics and even after.

How does Amoxicillin cause yeast infections?

Although Amoxicillin can be very helpful in combating bacterial infections, it also kills good bacteria that keep numbers of other undesirable micro-organisms in check.

Candida albicans is a fungus that is naturally present on the skin and on mucous membranes: the mouth, throat, and vagina. When Amoxicillin is taken, especially for a prolonged period of time, it kills good bacteria that keep Candida from spreading. A yeast infection results when Candida albicans proliferates in the vagina because there are not enough good bacteria to limit its presence.

This video by Eric Bakker explains it in much better detail.

What can you do to prevent a yeast infection while taking Amoxicillin?

There are some simple steps you can take to prevent a yeast infection while taking Amoxicillin:

  • Avoid using vaginal soaps and douches (unless otherwise you are following Eric’s douching protocol), which can dry out the vaginal area and upset the balance of vaginal microflora even further, thereby increasing your susceptibility to getting a yeast infection. Use only mild and unscented soap around the genital area. Thinking about bath? Double-check our yeast infection bath article before you plan a bath.
  • Keep the genital area clean and dry — fungus likes moist conditions.
  • Avoid wearing tight underwear or pants. Wear clean cotton underwear.
  • Eat an alkaline diet consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables. Candida thrives in an acidic environment, so a diet based on fruits and vegetables will make your body more alkaline and discourage candida overgrowth.
  • Take an oral probiotic supplement. Antibiotics kill both harmful and beneficial bacteria, so taking a probiotic helps to restore the beneficial bacteria your body needs. Just make sure you take the probiotic capsule a couple of hours after you take each dose of Amoxicillin so that they don’t interfere with each other and negate each other’s effects.

What natural treatment can you take after the round of antibiotic?

Do you have a yeast infection after taking a course of Amoxicillin? If you don’t want to take antifungal medications, here are some things you can do to treat your yeast infection naturally and also prevent its recurrence.

  • A systematic review published in the Journal of Women’s Health in 2011 showed that boric acid vaginal suppositories are a very effective treatment for yeast infections, especially recurrent and chronic ones. Candida glabrata is another species of Candida that causes yeast infections but that does not respond nearly as well to antifungal drugs (azoles) as Candida albicans does. You can make your own suppositories. Just make sure you don’t take them orally!
  • Take probiotics! Probiotics help restore the good bacteria in the body that were destroyed by Amoxicillin, mainly in the colon but also in the vagina and other mucus membranes. Probiotics can be taken orally and/or intravaginally. CanXida Restore is one of the best probiotic formulas available for restoring normal vaginal flora.
  • Herbs are very effective at restoring the body’s healthy terrain. CanXida Remove is a powerful herbal formulation that restores a healthy terrain in the body where good bacteria can thrive to prevent disease.

While there are times when you have no other option other than antibiotics. When you can make sure to consult with your doctor or get second opinion from another doctor before you go on course of antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is on the rise and prevention is the best measure.

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If you are suffering from male yeast infections read our article on prevention for further information.

Please share your comments and thoughts on how antibiotics have changed your life?

Is Pau D’Arco Good for Candida?

We have been using herbs for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Unfortunately, however, people are changing their priorities in terms of medicine and are opting medicines because of their advanced potency against the alleged pathogens. Although potency of drugs is an important concern these days, the newer drugs are not without side effects. For this very reason there is a group of people that is reverting back to the traditional herbal medicine to avoid the wide array of side effects the new antibiotics bring us.

What Is Pau D’arco?

Pau D’arco is one of several herbal medicines freshly out of the Amazon jungle. It is used in Traditional South American medicine very avidly and is very good against dysentery, intestinal inflammation and also considered as a tonic. The key active principles in this herb are the naphthoquinones. It suppresses the growth of human gut bacteria and is also very effective against Candida Albicans and the very much resistant Candida glabrata. The herb has several compounds that are medically very useful and the herb is regarded by some people to work best in concert as a part of overall treatment against Candida.

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How Does Pau D’arco Combat Candida:

Pau D’arco works against Candida in 2 ways:

Firstly, it loosen the bowels. Not too much to cause diarrhea, but just enough to clear your bowel and then expose the Candida.

Secondly, Pau D’arco is a powerful anti fungal substance. Enriched with several classes of compounds like lapachol, Xyloidone and various naphthoquinones it has potent action against many fungi. Especially, the lapachol content of the Pau D’arco is thought to inhibit the Candida growth.

Evidence Through Research:

  • According to a research carried about Lapachol in 2007, Lapachol has considerable effects against Candida Albicans, Candida Tropicalis and Cryptococcus Neoformans. The effects were comparable and to quite an extent similar to those caused by Amphotericin B. Lapachol’s effect are thought to be due to its interaction with the cellular membrane.
  • According to a research carried out in 1992, women who had chronic yeast infections were treated promptly when Pau D’arco was added to their treatment regimen. It has an immune boosting effect that sensitizes the T lymphocytes and other components of the human immune system against foreign pathogens. Indeed, Candida is an opportunistic organism that inhabits our body very commonly without causing any disease but it does cause symptoms when the immune system goes weak.
  • Doctor Jeffery Anderson, M.D., a Mill Valley medical Practitioner treated women with difficult yeast infections and narrated, two hours after using the Pau D’arco tea as a douche, the vaginal yeast was cleared very nicely. He recommends his patients to drink Pau D’arco tea- ½ to 1 cup per day and increases it to 4 cups per day in approximately one month.

How Pau D’arco Should Be Consumed For Candidiasis:

There are two known ways of consuming Pau D’arco.

  • The most easiest way to take it is in form of tea. The tea is sold by various brands, pharmacies and supplement stores online in form of tea bags.
  • More recently another preparation has been made in form of a spray that is taken orally and it is rapidly absorbed.

It has been reported that Pau D’arco doesn’t taste well even as tea.

One more thing to be cautioned about is that, Pau D’arco works best in its pure and natural constitution. There are many Pau D’arco impostors on the market and care should be taken before buying it from any source. You don’t really want an unwelcome and unknown chemical going into your body.

Who Should Take Pau D’arco: A Few Benefits:

  • As has already been described, the antifungal properties of Pau D’arco are magnificent. So if you are someone suffering from a Candida infection, you should try out this natural mode of treatment at first.
  • Pau D’arco has an effect of clearing your blood off toxins and has an immune boosting as well.
  • It is also a potent antimicrobial for various bacteria and microorganisms in addition to being useful against Candida.
  • It has anti-inflammatory effects and is effective in pain relief and joint diseases.
  • Pau D’arco has an anticancer role and has much supportive evidence for that.
  • It also has a woiund healing effect.

Who Should Not Take Pau D’arco: A Few Side Effects:

Sometimes instead of being an immune boosting agent Pau D’arco can weaken the immune system as well. Here are a few conditions in which it is best not to consume Pau D’arco tea.

  • Pregnant or breast feeding women should avoid Pau D’arco.
  • People who are already on blood thinners should avoid taking Pau D’arco as it itself has a potent blood thinning effect.
  • When considering Pau D’arco as a food supplement, you might have an upset stomach and nausea if you consume it in high amounts. So Caution has to be taken.

Pau D’arco And Candida Die Off Effects:

Pau D’arco has significant die off effects when used against Candida and it is rather necessary to start slowly with it to avoid significant die off. Start with about half a cup per day and increase it to about four cups per day if your condition suits taking it that high. If you do feel die off effects, cut back on your Pau D’arco for a few days and as you begin to feel better you can up the ante gradually.

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To conclude this discussion, it wouldn’t be false to call Pau D’arco an important antifungal and anti Candida regimen. Being a natural product, it has the quality of not having too many side effects and is sure to bring the yeast growth in your favor. Not only does it combat Candida, it also has significant benefits as an anti inflammatory and as an immune boosting agent. So it’s not bad to have it in your disease combating armory. Now you would be wondering how to know if your symptoms are a result of an underlying candida infection? There is a simple questionnaire, only a click away, to stratify your risk of having candida infection